Chapter 85

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Jisung's POV
10 November, 2028
Seoul, Korea

I was spinning on my chair, while looking into my phone screen, scrolling through social media. I was currently talking with Felix and I was doing my best to avoid what was interesting for him. Lixxie was obsessed with my fifty dates challenge, and I had so many things to tell him. Yet, I didn't want to tell him anything because I was feeling a little out of place these days. I knew it has been around a month since I let Hyunjin take me out on a date, and I had to do this for a few more weeks, but I wanted this to be over, so I could have a bit more time for myself again.

At the same time I wasn't only happy with the way Hyunjin treated me, but I was starting to think that actually Hyunjin was a nice person and that I probably could give him a chance. I still didn't want to date anyone, I haven't changed my mind yet, so probably I would just accept only these fifty days until the last one and then I would tell Hyunjin to decide. The first option would be to leave me forever, of course, and the second one would be to fight for me and to prove to me that these fifty days weren't all a lie.

"So, what about Hyunjin?" Felix asked again. I rolled my eyes and looked up to see him. I could see his baby face on the screen and he would make funny silly faces to make me laugh. I shrugged.

"Why do you always ask me about him?" I answered with a question and stood up.

"Jisung, where are you going?" Lixxie called me, but I went to turn on the heater to heat the room more and came back quickly. "Oh, I thought that you were going to ignore me."

"No, it was getting colder." I muttered and he raised his eyebrow. "So, what do you want to know?"

"Everything! We didn't talk much lately. And the fight between him and Minho..." He mumbled and started looking to different sides, probably searching for something on the screen. He scratched his neck.

"Well... Honestly, he is quite nice to me. He would always bring something for me to put on, a jacket, a hoodie that smells of his cologne, or a few blankets to warm me when I get cold. He would always offer to hug me too, but I don't want him to touch me, so I prefer the clothes and the blankets." I said and smiled.

"You do understand that I already know that!" Lixxie insisted. I rolled my eyes and smiled shyly. "I want to know what's happening recently!"

"Ughh... Well... Okay.." I nodded and stood up to take the plastic bottle of water and came back. I drank a little bit of it and looked straight into Felix's eyes on my computer screen. "Well, yesterday, after the comedy show we went to his house. We talked a lot, I played with his dog..."

Before I knew it, Felix interrupted me.

"Oh, is this what you call it now? Playing with his dog?" He laughed, joking, but I wanted to throw something at him.

"You idiot!" I laughed and sighed. "No, I literally played with his dog. It's called Kkami."

I could hear Lixxie making noises that would be a sign that he thinks that this was cute. Yes, me too.

"What else?"

"Nothing much. On Wednesday, after work, he took me roller skating. I was ridiculously bad at it, and he had to help me get my roller skates tied. When I thought that I was roller skating he came in front of me and before I knew it we fell on the ground." I stopped for a while, remembering.


"Uh..." I scratched my neck on the back and giggled. "We may have kissed. Or not?"

"Oh my gosh! This is so sweet!" Felix cheered loudly, but he scratched his neck in the same place again. I was about to ask him if this place was itchy, but I saw a purple spot on his skin partly revealing because it was covered by the makeup.

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