Chapter 10

194 15 4

Hyunjin's POV
Seoul, Korea,
11 October, 2028

I was standing in front of my wardrobe, not being able to decide what to wear on my date with Jisung. I was so stressed about what to wear, because after all I wanted him to like me and I wanted to make a good first impression since it was going to be our first date. I looked at the suits that I had but shook my head shortly afterwards. They were too formal. I was about to pick a pair of jeans, but my phone rang and I went to the nightstand to see who was calling me. I saw Kris' name, and I immediately knew what we were going to talk about.

"Kris. What's up?" I ask to start the conversation.

"Sam, I'm calling to ask you about the deal?"

"What about it?" I said and turned to my previous position in front of the wardrobe again. "Didn't we already talk about it? Isn't it all done?" I kept on asking because I really wanted to know what he wanted to ask me since we've spoken about it.

"Where are we going to put the people? We can't just take them to a random hotel." I heard the question, but I didn't pay much attention to it. Usually, this wasn't normal for me. When it came to work, I was focused, thinking about everything that could possibly go wrong, just to make sure I was going to prevent it. But now the most important thing in my head was what to wear and everything that wasn't related to that was marked by my brain as unimportant.

"I haven't thought about it, but I'm going to tell Chan, and he will find a place." I said while trying to decide if the black pullover in my hand was good enough. "Is there anything else?"

"No, I called you just to ask that." Kris was about to say something else, but I didn't give him the chance to do it.

"Okay, then if you have something else in mind, we are going to talk about it tomorrow."

"Okay, I'm going to call you so we can meet to arrange everything." I fastly said 'okay' and hung up the phone, then I rushed down the stairs to the living room where Chan and Holy were playing games. Chan looked at me as soon as I entered the room.

"Kris called to ask what we are going to do with the people that are going to come from China. Can you find a place for them?'' I asked, and he nodded.

"Sure." Chan said, and I thanked him, turning around to go again to my room. Kkami jumped from Holy's hands and followed me to my room. I sighed and looked at my wardrobe again. I picked the black pullover that I had left on my bed.

"That's not bad." I mumbled to myself and turned to see what I could combine it with. I didn't want to wear jeans, because I felt they were too casual for the first date. As I was searching I saw a pair of beige trousers. I picked them up and put them on the bed where the pullover was. They looked good together, so I decided to stick with this outfit. After checking the time I saw that I had enough time to take a shower. I ended up washing my hair because it didn't seem clean enough, even though I washed it yesterday. When I got out of the shower, I dressed up and dried my hair with the blow dryer.

When it was dry, I looked at the mirror, trying to see myself from every possible angle. I ran my fingers through my hair a million times, trying to style it and make it look decent. I sighed deep and went down the stairs again to ask Chan and Holy if I looked good. I entered the living room and saw them playing the same game. I stood before them, attracting their attention.

"Did someone call again?" Chan asked me.

"No. I wanted to ask you if I look good." I was a little worried because I didn't know how they would react.

"You look good, I don't know why you are asking us." Chan said, confused. I wasn't the insecure type who would be worried if they looked good all the time. I couldn't recognise myself too, but I really liked Jisung and I wanted him to like me too and I had never been on a real date before so I was afraid I was going to mess something up.

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