Chapter 157

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Hyunjin's POV
22 Novemver 2028
Seoul, Korea

I woke up and rolled to the side. Feeling the empty space in my bed, I realized that the dream I had was just a dream. Jisung was in his home, where I made sure he got safe and sound. I looked at my phone and saw that it was nearly seven in the morning. I got up and when I did I noticed a silent sound of scratching on my door. I stood up and opened it.

"Oh, the spoiled boy... What now, Holy threw you out of her room because she's sick of you waking her up early?" I chuckled and he jumped in my hands. I grabbed him and as he licked my face, we went downstairs.

The house was still very quiet and I knew that I was one of the few people that were awake. I went to the kitchen and made myself coffee before I sat on the table, slowly sipping from it. Around half past seven I decided to call Jackson to see what had happened with him and the colleague who was blackmailing him. I knew he was awake, most probably even at work so I dialed his number, not worrying whether he was sleeping or not.

"Jackson, good morning." I greeted him once he picked up.

"Good morning, Sam. Is everything alright?" He asked and from what I could hear he was in his car.

"I wondered what had happened with your colleague. Did you ask him how much money he wanted?" As I asked I saw Chan slowly walking into the kitchen.

"Uhh... about that... it turned out he didn't want money. We are all good now." Jackson mumbled, leaving me surprised.

"Well, okay then..." I shrugged even though he wasn't able to see me.

"Is that everything, Sam?" Jackson asked and I heard him turning his car off.

"Yes, that's all I wanted to ask."

"Okay, I'll hang up then."

I told him goodbye and the call ended.

"What's up?" Chan questioned, nodding towards my phone but I had a more important question before answering his.

"Chan, are you alright? You look dead?"

"Yeah," he groaned. "I guess I drank too much last night."

He sighed and poured himself whiskey.

"And you're drinking whiskey? Again?"

"I'm not gonna work today anyway." He told me and I nodded. "What are you planning for today?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"Not much."

"Call me if you need me." He whispered and left, going into the living room.

"I wonder what happened to you," I muttered as I got into the living room as well.

"It doesn't matter." He told me and I sat in front of him. "What's up with Jackson?"

"I called him to ask him what was going on with the colleague that was blackmailing him. Jackson told me he didn't want money and that they were all good now. Didn't give me any details." I shrugged and he nodded. "But you are running away from my question."

"I did a little research on Do Kyungsoo," Chan mumbled, sipping from his glass. "He and his wife had a divorce so the video we took of him and Kai wouldn't be of use."

"Shit, really?" I exclaimed and he nodded. "Fuck..."

"I told the men to dig deeper. Hopefully, they'll find something that will be helpful to us."

"I hope so."

"If not, we will just target someone else." He shrugged and I nodded.

"Okay, now that we have cleared all the work questions... What happened to you last night?" I looked him straight in the eyes.

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