Chapter 148

52 7 0

Jisung's POV
21 November 2028
Seoul, Korea

I was ready, wearing a suit, my tie on my neck and mom carefully checked if everything was alright with my outfit, before she went to take care of Dad's. I sighed, but just then I felt my phone vibrating twice. It was a sign that someone texted in the group chat. I opened it, seeing Seungmin's message.

Minnie: you guys will never guess what the fuck just happened to me!

Minnie: for real!

Jeonginnie: what?

Minnie: I'm in Starbucks with pinkpassiion

Minnie: and I was shocked to see who pinkpassiion is

Seunggie: is it someone we already know?

I wrote before my eyes slipped on the clock and I saw it was fifteen minutes before five. I walked out of my room and went into my parents, seeing my mom tying dad's tie.

"Are you ready?" I asked and my mom turned, smiling at me.

"Almost, Hanji."

"Why are you in a rush? There are still fifteen minutes?" Dad questioned. He wasn't exactly happy that we were going out with Hyunjin.

"He is probably already waiting for us," I explained. "I don't want to make him wait long."

"Well, it's his problem that he is here so early."

"Insu!" My mom scolded him and he sighed but didn't say anything else.

We all went downstairs and I put my coat on before I walked out. As expected, Hyunjin was already there, leaning against his car and waiting. I ran to him as he opened his arms and hugged me. His lips pressed to my head and he mumbled a quiet 'Hey, love'.

Maybe this greeting was going to be a lot more different if dad wasn't here, but I loved it when he was kissing my head or my forehead. It was so intimate, yet,  only showing that he cares.

"Tonight we will be driven by my driver because my cars are not suitable for a larger group of people. Also, there will be alcohol and I won't be able to drive once I drink." He explained as he opened the door. I made a sign for my mom to go in first, then I followed her, and then Hyunjin and my dad entered.

The car was big, it wasn't a limousine but looked a lot like it. So inside on the seats, I was sitting next to Hyunjin, and right in front of us sat mom and dad.

My phone was still vibrating but I decided to take a look at it in a while when the moment was more appropriate.

"I told Jisung that first we would go to the exhibition and after that, I had made a reservation in a restaurant. I hope you don't mind that I have already chosen it but I can assure you that it's one of the best." Hyunjin spoke and I smiled as I watched him talk to my mom and my dad.

"Of course, we don't mind. Thank you so much for this opportunity to see the exhibition and for making a reservation." I could tell mom was genuinely happy. Dad wasn't but at least he wasn't saying mean things to Hyunjin.

"I wanted to take Jisung there anyway and especially since it's your last day here, mom, I thought it would be a good idea to go together."

"I can't wait." I half whispered and half yelled. I was excited and I also wanted his attention on me. Even for a while. He smiled and kissed my head again, which made me melt.

"I'm really happy to hear that, love."

My phone vibrated again and I took it out opening the group chat to see what I had missed.

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