Chapter 21

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Hyunjin's POV
15 october 2028
Seoul, Korea

I drove to the cafe, and when I got there I had 15 more minutes till Jisung's shift was over. I got out of the car and saw that there was no one else in the cafe except for him. He was cleaning the tables so I decided to go inside.

I opened the door, the sound from the little ring above it made Jisung turn around and face me.

"Hey." I smiled sweetly. "Do you need help with the cleaning?"

"Uh... hey. I can do it by myself." He looked at me, his eyes traveling from my feet to the top of my head. I nodded in answer and went to one of the tables.

"Can I sit here?"

"Uh... Yeah. You can." Then he turned again to the table he was cleaning.

"Is your boss here?" Was the first thing that came into my mind. The silence between us was killing me. I also didn't want to see him in front of Jisung because I didn't want him to see me mad. I was afraid that I would scare him, and I was beyond mad at Jeong, and probably if I saw him at that moment, I would have killed him with my bare hands. I couldn't believe he dared to call Jisung to come back after I made it clear that I would take him home.

"No, why?"

I shrugged. "Just wondering."

"I'm almost ready. I just need to get changed, and we can go." He told me after he cleaned everything.

"You sure you don't need help?" I jocked, and he looked at me as if his sight was going to kill me.

"In your dreams." He entered the staff room.

"What if my dreams came true?" I spoke a little louder so he could hear me.

He showed his head through the door, looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "Don't try your luck." I laughed, answering that I was just joking.

When he got ready he locked the cafe's door and we started to walk towards the car. He was wearing a pair of light blue jeans, a long-sleeved shirt and a jacket. The fabric of the jeans was wrapping around his thighs so nice that I couldn't take my eyes off of them. He looked so sexy and even though he was wearing something so casual, he was able to turn me on.

I opened the door of the passenger's seat when we got to the car and closed it when he sat on the seat. "I hope you will like today's date, because the location is a little bit unusual." I said after I drove off.

"Where are we going?" I felt his eyes on me.

"It's a surprise." I glanced at him and turned my eyes back to the road. "Are you feeling cold? Do you want to turn the heater up?"

"Maybe just a little bit if it's not a problem."

"It is not a problem, and it's never going to be. If you feel cold, just turn it up. I want you to feel comfortable, okay?" I told him as I was turning the heater up.

"Okay." He mumbled, and silence took place between us. After a couple of minutes I parked the car next to a park. I turned to the backseat, searching for the hoodie I brought with me.

"Take off your jacket."

"Why?" He asked, and I showed him the hoodie.

"Put this on and then the jacket. You will feel warmer." He nodded, and I got out of the car walking to the other side of it. Before opening his door, I opened the back door, grabbing one of the blankets. Then I opened his door and as soon as he got out I wrapped the blanket tight around him. "This should keep you warm." I smiled at him, and he thanked me.

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