Chapter 20

134 7 4

Hyunjin's POV

Seoul, Korea

15 October, 2028

"Choi called me today," Chan told me as soon as he sat next to me. "He said he wanted to make a deal with us."

"About what?" I asked, uninterested. Choi wasn't one of the people I was working with. He was always making scandals so I was trying to avoid him when possible.

"He didn't say much. Only that you will be interested, I think he mentioned a lot of money, drugs."

"We already have a lot of money," I mumbled, Choi was popular for making scandals. I didn't need that. I already had enough partners. But I would lie if I say I wasn't curious about what he wanted.

"I told him the exact same thing and he asked me to meet you. I said that I will talk with you first." Chan looked at me, asking me silently about my answer. I took a sip from my whiskey, the ice cubes hitting the glass and making a sound, which I was finding very relaxing.

"Let's meet him." My words left Chan surprised.

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah..." I grabbed my glass and leaned towards the backrest. "I want to see what is on his mind."

"What do you mean?" I smiled lightly. Chan was a good partner, he was loyal, and he was ready to help me whenever I called him, but he was close-minded. And I wasn't meaning it in a bad way, but he wasn't capable of looking at people's true selves. He wasn't thinking two steps forward, he wasn't thinking about the 'what if's. The people, especially those in the mafia, often were having bad intentions, they were always trying to fool you, but he wasn't thinking about this possibility. Well, I have to admit that after we started working together he was paying more attention to how people act and what their intentions could be, but still he wasn't used to always analyzing.

"It's obvious that he has ulterior motives, but the thing is that I want to know what he wants to do. Why does he want to work with us out of nowhere?"

"I don't know. Maybe he is searching for new partners." He suggested.

I finished my drink and raised my hand, showing the bartender that I want another one. My eyes looked all around the bar. I was still processing the new information. "No," I said after some time.

"What?" Chan asked.

"It's way deeper than a search for new partners," I explained.

"You think so?" I nodded my head in answer and thanked the waitress who brought my drink.

We sat for a couple of minutes when I saw someone approaching our table. My lips curved into a smile when I saw San's face. He came closer and sat next to me.

"I didn't know you were coming," I told him.

"Well, me neither, but I decided to pass by and see if you are here." He turned to order a drink.

"I didn't know you were drinking in the afternoon." I raised my eyebrow.

"I'm just in a good mood." He shrugged. I was just about to ask him about what caused his good mood, but he turned to Chan and started a conversation with him. "How is Holy?"

Chan smiled a little, a habit he was doing every time her name was mentioned. It was really sweet, especially when you think about how this little girl was able to melt him. "She is good, thank you for asking, I feel like she is more open since you two talked. She is asking me to meet you again." He laughed a little.

"Why didn't you call me, then? I told her that when she wants to meet me she just needs to ask you or Hyunjin so you can call me."

"I thought it's just something that she came up with." He laughed again with his nervous, slightly uncomfortable, laugh. "So since you have told her the next time she asks I will call you to see if you have time."

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