Chapter 125

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Jisung's POV
18 November 2028
Seoul, Korea

"Honestly, I'm nervous," I whispered as I and the butler were setting up the table. "I mean, mom liked him, but dad..."

"He takes care of you. He will like him too, just don't think too much about this, okay?"

I sighed and I think she was right. Maybe I was worried for no reason. Then, before I knew it, I heard my mom's giggles and my dad's laughter as they were coming closer. They got into the kitchen and mom looked at me.

"Hanji, what are you wearing? Go and get changed!" She scolded me for wearing my old sweater and I smiled before leaving the kitchen and going straight to my room. I heard a familiar sound of a roaring car. A second after I received a message.

HJ: Seven thirty?

JS: Are you in front of the house?

HJ: Yes... Haha

JS: This is why I always tell you to come at the wrong time. Wait, I'm getting dressed.

HJ: Turn on the light, I want to watch this show!

JS: No, you fucking CREEP! NO WAY!

He didn't text me back. Instead, when I got near the window, I saw him outside the car, leaning and looking at me. Maybe he didn't see me. He took out his phone and typed something. A second later I received a message notification.

HJ: I can see you.

JS: But I'm not naked.

JS: Come on, I will go downstairs and you will ring the bell in a while so I can come and open the door for you, okay?

HJ: Okay.

JS: Okay, I'm going down the stairs.

HJ: Okay, love.

I smiled and put my phone in my pocket. I went into the kitchen again and my mom looked at me.

"Hanji, you look good."

"I looked good before too." I chuckled and she shook her head.

"Hanji..." My mom sighed.

"What?" I rested my head on her shoulder. "Are you scared that my boyfriend won't like me... because he already does." I giggled and heard the doorbell. "I'll open." I almost yelled and ran out of the kitchen.

"Hey, love..." Hyunjin whispered when I opened the door. His voice was quieter and even though he was trying to hide it behind his smile I knew he was very nervous. He was holding three different colored paper bags in his hand, while his other hand was holding his phone, which he put in his pocket.

"I'm nervous too," I mumbled when I hugged him and I heard his sigh. I let him come in and after he closed the door he cupped my face with his free hand.

"You are okay, right?" Hyunjin whispered close to my face.

"I am. Don't worry." The ends of my mouth curved into a small smile. He kissed my lips and I took his hand into mine. Our fingers intertwined and we both squeezed the other's hand. "They are waiting for us."

We went into the kitchen and the first thing mom did was to hug Hyunjin. I let go of his hand and my eyes met my father's shocked gaze. I took a deep breath. This night was going to be a total disaster. I bit my lip, turning around so no one could see me.

"Hyunjin, I'm so glad you came!" Mom cheered and finally let go of him.

"Thank you for inviting me!" He smiled and he looked at my dad. "I'm glad to meet you, Mr. Han, my name is Hyunjin, and..." Hyunjin bowed. My dad didn't say anything at first and I saw how mom was hugging him.

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