Chapter 61

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Jisung's POV
01 November 2028
Seoul, Korea

I moved my hand and it bumped into something. At first I was a bit scared, but then I remembered that this might be Hyunjin. I opened my eyes and looked at his face, peacefully sleeping. When I turned to check the time, I saw that it was still five in the morning. Which meant that I've slept just a few hours now. I thought a lot about what Felix told me. And his words "Just enjoy your time now," were stuck in my head, so I turned around and cuddled in Hyunjin's body. Surprisingly, he put his hand on my waist and hugged me tighter before I felt his lips on the back of my neck. I smiled.

"You're not cold, right?" He whispered suddenly. I told him I was okay with my quiet voice and he kissed me again. "Then sleep. It's too early. Later, I will make you breakfast and will drop you off to school after you're ready."

"Thank you," I whispered and smiled even more.

Jisung? Do you like that type of life? To stay up all night and to sleep a couple of hours before school? Yes, but a couple of hours near his warm body was better than a couple of hours at home. JISUNG! STOP THINKING ABOUT THIS! You're not... You're definitely not going to sleep here till the end of these dates again! No!

Thinking about how addictive this might be, I fell asleep and soon, I was awakened by him. His soft lips were kissing my face and my neck as he was trying to wake me up. I giggled when his head was buried in my neck and his hair tickled my skin. The next kiss was placed near my lips and I made an unsatisfied sound. I heard his quiet laugh and I finally opened my eyes.

"Good morning, love." He whispered. His body was on top of mine and he was supporting it with his hands that were placed on both sides of my head. "You wanted something or..." He laughed again and I pursed my lips.

He cupped one of my cheeks and came closer to me. I closed my eyes, waiting for the kiss.

Damn, Jising. What are you doing?

The moment he kissed me I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

"You know that..." He started talking but I cut his words off.

"Can you shut up and kiss me for once without ruining the moment?"

"Ooh, so now someone wants to be kissed." He laughed and left a peck on my lips. "Okay, I will. But first, we need to take off that make-up and if you help me, it's gonna be faster."

I nodded and sighed a bit unsatisfied. It wasn't normal for me to want him to be around me and even though I tried not to, I was enjoying every second he was acting like that.

He helped me get up and carefully removed the make-up from my face. I didn't say anything till the moment he gave me some of his clothes. A t-shirt and a pair of blue torn jeans.

"I think this will be a good fit for school." He said and opened one drawer. "You can take any accessories you want from here," he said and turned to face me. I was standing there like a complete idiot staring at his butt. I shook my head, trying to remove the dirty thoughts from it and smiled.

"Okay. Will you leave me? I have to get dressed."

Hyunjin crossed his arms in front of his chest and smirked.

"No." He said. "I am literally looking at you wearing only boxers. If you were that shy you wouldn't let me see you like that. Plus, you're going to get more and more dressed and I don't understand why you are still trying to..."

I stopped listening to him and looked at my naked body.

Good job, Jisung. You're the idiot here. The complete idiot...

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