Chapter 78

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Felix's POV
7 November, 2028
Seoul, Korea

I slowly opened my eyes and stretched my body. The bed was empty.

Did you really think that he was going to be here when you wake up, Felix? He used you, because you wanted to be used!

I sighed and got up. I got dressed and went straight to the exit of the room. There was a man standing in front of it and when I got out, he came closer.

"Mr Lee, I'm here to drive you home." He said and I nodded. "Please, follow me!"

I started walking after him, trying to make sure that my clothes weren't showing the hickeys, bites and bruises. I needed to get to school as soon as possible and for that, I had to go home and make myself look normal. This is why I told the man to drive me home, instead of school.

I got inside of the house and hid in my room before my mom, or even worse, my dad, saw me. I grabbed my towel and went into the bathroom. I turned on the cold water and let myself relax.

That's right, Felix. That's right. You wanted Chris, he wanted you. Now after he fucked you like the stupid slut you were, he's no longer interested in you. And you knew that this might happen... You knew it so damn bloody well, Felix!

My mind was messing with me. On the other hand, this was what I wanted. I didn't regret sleeping with him. It was the best thing that had ever happened to me. The best fuck! He knew how to touch me, where to touch me and what to do to drive me crazy. Last night I was feeling so good my head was in the clouds. However, his absence in the morning was the cold shower that brought me back to reality.

It was the best fuck but it was only that.

I sight. I wasn't ready to accept the fact that it was just a one night stand. I knew it would be, however, I had hopes that maybe I was wrong.

I finished quickly with the shower and went out, trying to find clothes to wear. When I chose my outfit I started covering the red and blue spots on my skin.

Did he try to eat me alive or what?"

The edge of my lips curved when I remembered moments from last night. I heard a knock on my door and after I quickly made sure I looked fine I went to open the door to my room.

"Are you ready for school, Felix?" My mom asked me and I nodded.

"Yes, I just need to grab my backpack."

"Come on, I will drive you there." She said and I sighed. Right now? When I was scared that she might see how much make up I had on. But she didn't say a word. However, my mom knew that I spent the night with someone.

"Do you have a boyfriend and you didn't tell me?" She asked me, but I shook my head. "Oh, come on! I see how much make-up you've put on your neck. This should be love bites!"

Love bites my ass! This was Chan's abusive way to show the world that he had me last night.

But I loved it so much! I loved every single second of what we did. Maybe most of all I loved the way he reacted to hearing my deep voice. This was scaring people and he showed that to me once more.

"Felix, I just want you to be alright."

"Mom, I don't have a boyfriend... Okay? I met a guy I liked for so long and we had a great time together. He also liked me, but we won't be together because we don't want a relationship. This is it..."

My mom nodded.

"Please take care of yourself, Felix!"

"I do, mom. I do!" I said and the topic was left aside. She started asking me about other things like school and the upcoming exams.

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