Chapter 102

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Seonghwa's POV
14 November 2028
Seoul, Korea

It was around noon, and the last thing I needed was problems. I was at the office, sitting in my usual place. San was showing one of the new guys some tricks with the system, and I was dying from jealousy. I couldn't stand them because every time San was doing something 'impressive', this boy was placing his hand on San's shoulder. Whenever my partner was making something harder, this young boy was praising him, as if he had just invented the bulb.

"And you have to click this button and... here you go. The system searches for you, it's copying the data from the documents, and then it searches for matches in the whole database." San explained, and my eyes slowly slid across the room, meeting the way the newbie was smiling and grinning, being very, very impressed.

"Can you do this with pictures?" The boy asked.

"Ohh, yes!" San got up and started walking towards the hanger, where our jackets were. I was looking at him secretly because I didn't want to look ridiculous, yet, at the same time, I had to know what he was searching for there. I saw him taking his jacket off. His hand slid in the inside pocket, and the moment after, it slipped out with a picture from one of my underwear photoshoots.

Waaait, what? Why does he have this picture in his jacket? Wait, shit! I don't need to know! He's probably going to bully me again...

"Seojun, look! This is our colleague- Seonghwa. He's working as a model in his not so free time!" San laughed.

My eyes were tracing him, and I was trying to ignore his words. I was so happy to finally be at work and be with him, to spend the days with him... and he was going to make fun of me? To make fun of me for something I've worked so hard for? This was not going to happen... Not today, not in front of that gay newbie!

"So, you're working as a model?" The boy asked, and I sighed.

"Yes." I said and tried to look like I was doing something on my computer.

"Does the boss know?" His next question irritated me, but I resisted the urge to look at him and played it as if I didn't care.

"Why is this concerning you?" I mumbled and heard his laugh.

"Policemen are supposed to be seen as carrying, protective, and strong." He laughed, and I wanted to punch his face.

"What I do in my free time does not concern you." I raised from my chair and smiled fakely at him. Then I grabbed my wallet and walked out. I was planning on getting myself a cup of coffee, hoping that this time they would have milk.

Well, they didn't, but I was too angry to care about this now. I couldn't believe I was going to see Seojun's face around the police station. That was going to be torture.

Once I wasn't that angry, I got up from the chair I was lounging at and decided to come back to the office, where hopefully the newbie was missing. The long way there through the stairs made me more and more anxious. And I knew how much I wanted this to be over, but luck wasn't on my side today.

When I went there, I saw him smiling. Seojun was telling him a story, and San was laughing as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

When San heard that I walked into the room, he looked at me, but I looked away, refusing to make eye contact with him. Not only did he make fun of me in the hospital, and when they released me but he was also carrying a photo of me, which he showed to this asshole.

"I thought you were going to buy coffee." This guy said, and I looked angry at him. If eyes could kill, he would be dead by now. And probably if I wasn't a policeman and San wasn't in the room, I was going to enforce one of the many ways to kill him that were playing in my head at that moment.

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