Chapter 162

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Jisung's POV
23 November 2028
Seoul, Korea

I opened my eyes and the first thing I did was to check my phone for new messages from Hyunjin. And there were. As always.

HJ: Good morning, my love

HJ: I hope you slept well and I wish you a wonderful day!

My smile grew bigger as I read them. This was already part of my routine. To wake up and see a good morning message from him, wishing me a great day. I placed my phone on my chest and closed my eyes. Suddenly, I started imagining what it would be like to wake up one morning and see nothing from him. I furrowed my eyebrows, hating the feeling that filled my body.

Well, one day you will see what it's like, Jisung. Remember- Italy!

I reminded myself but it didn't make me feel better. Completely the opposite, I felt worse.

I hurried to get ready and sat on the bed to check up the messages from Felix. As before, he didn't even open them. I sighed and hurried to get out. On my way to the kitchen, I met my father.

"How was the chocolate tasting?" He asked me and I smiled.

"Nice. But I gotta go," I groaned and hurried out.

"Where to? Hyunjin?"

"Felix." I thought he wasn't going to ask, but instead, he started walking faster and when he was walking side by side to the entrance of the yard, he asked me about it.

"Are you two in a bad relationship, or..." He started, but I shook my head.

"Felix just needs me."

"Do you need the car?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"I don't know. I don't have much to walk," I pointed in the direction of Felix's house.

"It's cold. I will drive you. But promise to get on track with school." Dad said and I nodded.

"Of course, but I have to check on him first," I mumbled and dad unlocked the car. I sat inside and waited for him to get in too.

"Is Hyunjin taking you somewhere tonight?" He asked as he started the engine.

"No. I'll be checking the course mom told me about tonight."

"Ooh, okay." He nodded. "That's good."

"Yeah, I promised mom. And I think it will be helpful anyway." I shrugged. Dad stopped the car in front of the house that was next to Felix's.

"I'm sorry you'll have to walk." He mumbled.

"Don't worry, it's nothing," I assured him and got out. "Thanks for the ride," I said before I closed the door.

One of the cars that were stopped nearby drove off furiously a couple of seconds before I rang the doorbell. The door was opened by Felix's mother and when I saw her, sad and tired, I just ran upstairs. She didn't even need to tell me anything to know that something was going on with Felix. When I opened the door of his room, he was playing offline games with his headphones on.

"He doesn't want to speak, he doesn't want to eat. He's drinking the bare minimum of water and he doesn't let me in." His mom whispered behind me. "And I can't find a way to him. I am currently not going to work because I'm afraid he might ... you know..."

I nodded and sighed, looking at Felix. I couldn't see him properly but I knew he was bad. Very bad.

"I'll try to talk to him. Can you prepare something that he likes? I'll try to convince him to eat." I whispered back at her and she nodded fastly, thanking me as tears rolled down her cheeks. She hurried downstairs while I walked in, closing the door behind my back. I got closer to him and touched his shoulder carefully, trying not to scare him. However, I didn't succeed and he looked stressed at me before he realized it was me.

Scent Of a Man | HyunSungOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz