Chapter 142

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Hyunjin's POV
20 November 2028
Seoul, Korea

When we stopped I'm front of San's block I looked at him get out of the car and almost tripping. I sighed and shook my head.

"Love, I'll go help him. Do you want to come or do you want to wait for me here?" I caressed his head.

"I'll come."

I nodded and we walked out of the car. I looked around, trying to find my best friend, and saw that he was walking down the street.

"San, where the fuck are you going?" I yelled and I wasn't sure whether he didn't hear me or decided not to pay attention to me but he continued walking. I ran to him and grabbed him, making him stop. I put one of his arms around my shoulder, helping him walk. Jisung did the same with San's other arm and we guided him towards his block. "I swear he wasn't that drunk when we walked out of the bar," I mumbled.

"Did he drink a lot in the car?" Jisung asked me and I shook my head.

"No, but this is San. I expected it, that's why I told him I'll drive him home." I explained. "It may take a while for the alcohol to hit him but once it does he becomes a total mess."

"Are you talking about me?" San turned around, looking at me while I was struggling to open the door of the block.

And don't forget the stairs...

"Hyunjinnie..." He whined and I rolled my eyes.

"Be quiet, your neighbors are sleeping." I scolded him.

"I will have to sleep alone..."

"Just don't start crying, please." I sighed but I knew that he was going to. Typical drunk San... He was either really quiet or crying.

"You have Jisung, he has his sugar daddy... and I have no one..."

"Because you are dumb," I whispered under my nose but he heard me and started crying. I rolled my eyes, regretting that I had said it.

"He thinks I'm dumb!" He cried out, looking at Jisung. "Is it really true?"

"Of course not. You didn't hear him right." Jisung tried to calm him down.

Thank you, my love.

"Is this true, Hyunjinnie?" San turned his head to me, his eyes flooded with tears.

"Yes, now tell me where your keys are."

He told me in which pocket they were so I took them out, unlocking his door. We walked in and I pushed him to the wall, trying to take his shoes off while Jisung was helping him keep his balance. Then we helped him get to his bedroom and lay on his bed. I unbuttoned his jeans and took them off of his legs before I pulled his pullover up. It was hard but eventually, I undressed him and pulled the cover over him making sure he was not cold.

"Hyunnie," he grabbed my face with his hands and squeezed my cheeks. "I love you so much." He whined.

"I love you too, you idiot," I mumbled and looked at his nightstand, seeing a printed picture of Seonghwa. From the ones I sent him. I smirked, making a mental reminder to send him more. I pulled away from him, while he begged me to stay and went to his shelves full of plush toys and took his favorite one. The one he slept with every night and gave it to him. San hugged it tightly and closed his eyes. "Let's go, love," I mumbled and took his hand. Before we left I went to the living room, wanting to check something. On the coffee table in front of the sofa were many pictures of Seonghwa. I sighed, looking at them.

"Who is that?" Jisung questioned as I pulled him out of the room and then out of the apartment.

"His coworker and future boyfriend." I chuckled and we went down the stairs. Jisung was strangely quiet but I decided not to think about it and hurried to go in the car so he wasn't cold. I told the driver where we needed to go now and poured more whiskey into our glass. Jisung immediately picked it up, taking a big sip.

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