Chapter 74

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Jisung's POV
6 November, 2028
Seoul, Korea

"Yes." I whisper. "But this was awful. How can you let people... Wait, wait, wait... do you offer that kind of survice in your striptease club or...?" I asked as soon as I started to think about the situation. I stood there speechless. Who was I going out with? But Hyunjin didn't want to talk about this.

"You should've come to me immediately. I am not letting some old drunk fucker to do whatever he wants." He said and cupped my face. This small gesture was enough to make me relax and feel safe. But I tried not to show it. "You sure you are okay, love?"

"Yes, I am fine." I smiled and he kissed my forehead.

"Do you want to come with me? Or you prefer to stay here with your friends?"

"I'll ask Felix to go out with me for some fresh air." I really needed to calm down a bit. This whole situation was a little too much and I needed to calm down.

"Okay, love."

Hyunjin then let go of my face and started walking away. I tried to ignore the empty feeling and got back on the dance floor, trying to find Felix.

"Let's go out." I yelled in his ear and he nodded. We went to our seats to get my jacket and saw that Lino and Jeongin were sitting alone in an awkward silence. But the man who called me a slut was distracting me so I didn't pay much attention to them.

Going out of the club, Felix and I leaned on the wall next to the door. He looked at me confused.

"Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" He asked me and I shook my head. I wanted to smoke a cigarette just because people do it to calm themselves down. And I thought that this would calm me down, so as soon as I saw a man nearby smoking, I decided to go and ask for a cigarette and a lighter.

"Excuse me," I whispered and the man turned around. When I saw the face of the asshole in the club, I turned around and tried to run away from him, but he grabbed me. Felix should've noticed us, because he came and pushed the guy away from me.

"Listen to me, you little slut, no matter how much you try to stay away, I will..."

"Slut?" Felix yelled. "Who are you calling a slut?"

I stood there in shock untill I heard Hyunjin from behind.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

When I turned to see who was standing in front of the door of the club, I saw not only him, but his friend too. I looked at Felix and the guy, but before I knew it, Chan was holding Felix away from him and the man tried to come closer to Hyunjin.

"What's going on?" I yelled. "This stupud idiot..."

"Stupid idiot?" I heard him yell, but Hyunjin was there immediately and was holding him up, his hand squeezing his jacket.

"You are coming with me!" Hyunjin told him and looked at Chan. "Stay with Felix and Jisung and make sure they are safe and if they want something, be kind and give it to them."

I looked at Felix. His face showed me that no matter what just happened, he was happy that we will have to stay with Chan. Well, I wasn't happy about that, but something made me believe that Hyunjin wanted to kill this man right in front of the club where we were right now and I was a little scared that this might get him in trouble.

Wait, Jisung! Why do you worry if he's going to be in trouble or not? Do you care? Yes... Shit, I care.

Two of Hyunjin's men grabbed the one that called me slut and they dragged him somewhere. Hyunjin followed them and I stood there, looking at the place where they left.

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