Chapter 89

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Taeyong's POV
12 November, 2028
Osaka, Japan

Me, Yuta and Shota were in Yuta's office, waiting for Johnny to come. I was getting more and more annoyed with every minute because I didn't want to see his face.

"Daddy, see." Shota pulled my sleeve and showed me his drowing.

"Good job." I smiled and patted his hair. "Go show it to daddy too." I mumbled and he ran to Yuta to show him the drawing.

I sighed, remembering what happened yesterday.


Shota had just fallen asleep and we were in the kitchen. I was washing the cups of the tea I made for all of us a while ago. Yuta walked behind me and wrapped his hands around my waist but I pushed him.

"I need to wash that." I mumbled quietly.

He jumped on the counter and tried to kiss me, but I pushed him aside.

"Come on," he groaned. "What now? We took Shota, he's here. You will take care of him half the time."

"I don't want to see Johnny tomorrow!" I hissed as I was washing the dishes. "I don't want to lie."

"Tae... I need more time!"

I didn't care. I didn't want to care. I just hissed and looked him in the eyes.

"We will talk about this once you start needing time for me!" I told him.

Once the dishes were ready, I started walking towards the bedroom. "You will sleep on the couch. I don't want you anywhere near me. And make sure to get up before Shota is awake. I don't want him to know that we're fighting again!" I told him, and went straight to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

I took a quick shower and once I was feeling refreshed I went to sleep. Remembering how Yuta didn't say a word made me sadder, but I needed power for tomorrow.


"Tae." Yuta's voice brought me back to reality and I looked at him. We hadn't talked ever since last night and honestly I was more than angry. Everything would've been better than keeping silent.

"You remembered I existed?" I whispered and looked him in the eyes.

"Tae, I am really sorry..."

"Well, I do not care!" We were both whispering so Shota wouldn't hear us, so I was half yelling and half whispering.


"I don't want to listen," I interrupted him. "You tell him to stay away from you because you are taken today or tomorrow you won't find me nor any of my stuff because I would have already left." I told him and I saw the fear in his eyes.

"Please, let's..."

"I'm done with the conversation." I interrupted him again. Someone knocked on the door and I rolled my eyes, knowing that it was probably Johnny.

"Come in," Yuta told him loudly and he entered. I looked at him and then at Yuta.

"Oh, hey, Shota!" He came closer to the kid and kneeled in front of him. Shota showed him some of his drawings and then we all sat on the couches to talk.

"So, I collected you here to..." Yuta started, but Johnny placed his hand over his wrist.

"Why is the kid here? Is there is someone who will take care of him..." He whispered quietly and I shook my head. I didn't want to watch him do whatever he was doing so I turned my face to the other side.

"He's not going anywhere. He is my son." Yuta told "us" and I nodded.

Johnny was definitely a bit shocked. However, his hand didn't leave Yuta's wrist. He bent even closer to Yuta and all I wanted was to punch him. But I had to sit still. If Yuta didn't do it this was going to be the end. No matter how much I loved him, if he wasn't willing to tell Johnny I was going to go back to Korea, which I left because of him.

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