Chapter 93

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Felix's POV
12 November, 2028
Seoul, Korea

I arrived at the bar. In front of it I made sure to text Chan that I was there and to try to be better. Or to at least look as if there was nothing wrong. I got in and before I knew it, he dragged me to the office. When he finally turned on the lamp, I smiled and waved.

"Hi to you too!" I tried to act like there was nothing wrong, but I wasn't sure I was acting good. Chan was slowly walking towards me. His eyes were pinned on the crop top I was wearing.

"Damn," He whispered, making one last step and grabbing me. He put me on the desk and started kissing me. His hands wandered around my body. My legs wrapped around him and I started moving my hips. My plan- to make him as horny as possible and then just leave him.

"Daddy!" I moaned in his ear.

"What's up, baby boy." Chan breathed out and grabbed my ass.

"I missed you, daddy!" I whispered and started kissing his neck.

"You missed me? I missed my good boy too." His hand tried to pull my top up but I stopped him. He looked at me confused and opened his mouth, ready to ask me what I was doing and why I was pushing him away but I pushed his body on the chair and got down from the desk, causing him to shut up.

"Can I show daddy how much I missed him?" I asked innocently and looked him in the eyes, while I was slowly getting down on my knees in front of him.

"Yes, baby boy," He breathed out. "Show daddy how much you missed him..." He whispered and I smirked before unzipping his jeans and taking them all the way down to his ankles. I let him help me with taking his boxers off, but I had no idea what was yet to come.

He made me take his big cock in my mouth all at once. And I did that. And I also started moving my head back and forth as much as I could. And when I felt that he was starting to lose it, I took his cock out and raised to look him in the eyes.

"Do you like that, daddy?" I whispered, trying to keep the deep voice I had for the moment I was going to leave. "Huh?"

"Jeez, Felix! Of course I do!"

His hand went on my head and he tried to make me kneel down again. Instead, he felt how I punched him in the face.

"Now go and ask your other whore to help you with this!" I hissed and turned around. Maybe he was too stunned to speak, because he just let me leave. But now I felt just a little bit better. I still was hurting, I still wanted to cry but I was feeling better because I wasn't hurting silently. Maybe the punch in his face helped too.

I walked out of the bar and took the first taxi I saw, telling the driver my address. The closer to home I was getting the more I wanted to cry. I didn't want to imagine Chan being with someone else. I wanted to be enough for him. But... turned out I wasn't.

Two of my previous boyfriends cheated on me eventually but I thought that this time was going to be different. That he was going to be different.

Stupid boy... you are a very stupid boy, Felix!

The car stopped in front of my house and I paid before running out of it. My mom was still awake when I entered the house but I didn't have enough power to talk to her and pretend that things were fine.

They weren't!

So I ran up the stairs and locked my door. I sat on the ground and let it all out. Finally my eyes could let tears run down my cheeks.

My mom tried to talk to me. She asked me to open the door, she asked me if the reason was my boy. All I could think about was that first, he wasn't a boy and second, he would never be mine. But I didn't talk to her. I didn't even tell her that I was alright. Because I wasn't. And all I could do was cry unconsciously, not knowing how to stop.

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