Chapter 84

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Hey, guys!

In one of the previous chapters we asked you if you wanted to see the houses of the characters recreated in Sims and you said you wanted.

We decided to create a podcast in which we would not only be able to show you the houses in Sims but you will also find out more about the characters, how the story was born and a lot more details. Apart from that will have the chance to learn more about us, ask us questions and participate in games and fun activities in the future.

We would be really happy if you go and listen to it. We hope that you will like it and would find it interesting.

Make sure to like the video, comment and subscribe to our channel and hit the bell for notifications, so you won't miss any of the 'Scent of a Man' secrets we share with you through this podcast. 


Jisung's POV
9 November, 2028
Seoul, Korea

"Give me the biscuits, please?" Jeongin asked and I handed them to him. The weather was really warm for November and we decided we were going to have a picnic in the park. Me and Lino talked, and eventually, we made up. I was happy we did because he was my best friend and I didn't want to lose him.

My phone started ringing and I took it out of my pocket to see who it was. It was Hyunjin and seeing his name made me smile a bit.

"Who is it?" Lino asked and tried to lean over my shoulder to see who it was but I got up before he could do that.

"I will be back in a minute." I told them and stepped to the side, picking up.

"Hey, love." Hyunjin's soft voice rang in my ears and I smiled shyly remembering what happened yesterday - how we made out and how I was reading him with my knee.

"Hey." I mumbled, feeling like an ashamed teenager girl who was talking with her crush.

As if you are not just like that.

"Can I pick you up in two hours?"

"Yes, but I am not home. Is this a problem?" I asked as if Hyunjin was going to tell me it was. I turned around to check if Minho was looking at me, but he wasn't.

Thank God!

"Of course not, love. Just tell me where you are and I'll come."

"I'm in the park with my friends. We are having a picnic and we will be here for a while so you can come to the park. We are sitting near the fountain. You will see us."

"Okay, love," he whispered. "Can't wait to see your beautiful face again!"

I blushed and hid my face from everyone.

"If we're going somewhere where I have to be good looking, first I have to get dressed with something better looking, because I'm wearing old jeans and an old sweatshirt at the moment."

"Ooh, now you're telling me what you're wearing... How sexy!" He joked and we both laughed. "Okay, love... I have to go now, but I will come and take you in two hours."

When I hung up, I went back to my friends and everyone was talking with someone about something. Lino saw me coming back and ignored Jeongin to talk to me.

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