Chapter 25

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Han's POV
Seoul, Korea
19 October 2028

My hands were shaking. I hated to be there; trying my best not to freak out, without mom as I used to come here.

"Jisung?" I heard my name and gulped. "Do you hear me?"


"Jisung?" I heard my name again. "Open your eyes, Jisung!"

"No!" I cried out. "I won't touch it. Let me live my life!"

"Jisung, this what you call life... You can't live it to the fullest. Winter is coming. Don't you want to go to the mountains? I know you loved skiing."

"No!" I almost yelled at her. "I do not want to go to the stupid mountains. I hate skiing." I pressed my eyes trying to forget the picture that I was seeing in my mind.

Snow, cold, blue...

"Jisung, I understand that it is hard for you..." She started again but I shook my head.

She did not understand!

"But in order to live a healthier and happier life, we have to push our limits, to test ourselves..."

"This is a limit I am not willing to push!" I hissed.

The sofa next to me deformed and I knew she was sitting there. Holding all the cold objects she wanted me to try touching.

"Look at me, Jisung."

"I do not want to!" I yelled.

"Jisung." I heard her voice again. "Could you at least open our eyes?"

"Not unless you're away from me!" I whispered.

"Okay, Jisung... Okay."

I felt the couch moving. I heard her footsteps going as far as she could from me. When I finally opened my eyes I saw her back. She wasn't even looking at me. I grabbed my phone and texted Minho and Felix.


This was the text I used when I wanted any of my closest friends here. And I waited.

The woman before me trurned around. She was smiling. I wasn't.

"How are you, Jisung?"

"I'm good." I lied to her, just because I wanted her to stop. I took my phone to check if any of the boys saw my message. None of them did it, most probably because they were at school. Usually I wasn't alone, but this week none of them could come with me.

I opened the chat with Hyunjin.

"What is it?" The woman asked. I gulped, but tried to be fast.

Jisung: I need you.

"Your girlfriend?" She continued asking. I didn't answer. "It's alright, Jisung! You can tell me."

"My boyfriend."

"Oh..." She mumbled. She definitely didn't expect me to say that. Calling Hyunjin my boyfriend made me feel way better than I expected it would. "That's fine..."

"Is it really?" I hissed. My phone vibrated.

"Of course." She smiled. "Is he from your class?"

Hyunjin: where are you?

"No." The last thing I wanted was to talk about him. Not because I didn't want to mention him but because I didn't trust this woman.


"We just met." I quickly typed the address to him and locked my phone.

"Where?" She continued with the questions.

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