Chapter 115

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Hyunjin's POV
15 November, 2028
Seoul, Korea

I lay on my bed and looked at my daughter. She was playing with her new toys, while I was trying to ignore my thoughts about Jisung. It was a really long and exhausting day today, and thinking about him, and missing him was tiring me even more. I knew that even though I was already home and everything was back in time, Chris was going to come home and ask me about it. I had no idea where he was the whole day, but he looked busy.

"Hyunjin," Holy entered the room and tried to smile. "I accidentally broke something." She whispered. "Can we glue it back together?" She stretched her arms towards me, two pieces of a little statue that belonged to Chris. I shook my head and sighed. This statue was a symbol, and everyone who worked for my uncle had one. Chris hated it, he hated his father's job. But now the statue was more like a promise for me to him.

Five years ago

I walked into Chan's room to see if he was doing okay because even though he was the one who came to me, asking for this job I could feel how much he hated it. I knocked but since I didn't receive an answer I opened the door and walked in. The room was a mess. There were clothes everywhere and nothing was in its place but what caught my attention was the little statue in the thrash. My uncle was giving one to everyone who worked for him and I kept it as it is. I was new in this and I still didn't know what exactly to do.

"You have thrown it away," I noted as I took it out of the bin. Chan looked at me.

"I don't want to see that thing!" He looked at the statue. "It reminds me that I am the same asshole as my father."

"Why do you call yourself an asshole when you are not?" I raised my eyebrow. I had spent only a week with him but the instant trust I felt when we met was getting stronger.

"Because this belonged to him. Your uncle gave it to him. When I found out about his job I was so mad." Chan sat on the bed and I did the same, listening to what he wanted to say. "I hated him. Even after he died. I hated my own father who was dead!" He looked at me with a smile but it was one of those painful smiles that were telling you so many things.

"I know how this feels. I hate my own dead uncle who raised me because he left me everything when the dirty deals were the last thing I wanted to do." I sighed. "However, they are dead and we are not. We have to keep going."

"This statue reminds me that I became the same as my dad. I started doing what I hated him for." He sighed.

"Let's give it another meaning!" I smiled when he looked confused at me. "From now on this is a promise. Promise that no matter what happens, we are together. Whether we are winning or we are failing- we are together." I told him and we stared at each other for a few seconds before he nodded. I handed him the statue.

"Together." He mumbled as he took it.

"Together," I repeated and smiled.


"Your brother won't notice," I whispered as I was taking the glue from one of my drawers.

"Do you want play with me?" Sori asked Holy and she nodded.

"I just need to finish this school project I'm doing and I will take you to my room."

"Honestly," I looked at Holy, "you can come and play here."

"But this..." Holy started, but I cut her off.

"I don't want to separate from Sori tonight," I told her and she nodded. "Alright," I handed her the statue, glued together just as brand new. She thanked me and left.

Scent Of a Man | HyunSungHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin