Chapter 136

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Kai's POV
20 November 2028
Seoul, Korea

I woke up and the first thing I saw was the ceiling of the hotel room. This was the first time I was waking up in this room. Usually, I would come here, bring someone with me, we would do what they had paid for and I would leave. But him...

I turned my head to the side, seeing the man sleeping next to me. I could still remember his name. Do Kyungsoo. One more thing that wasn't normal for me.

I got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom since we didn't take a shower last night and I was feeling sweaty and dirty.

When I came back, he was already up and was checking something on his phone. I passed by him and took my clothes off the floor, starting to get dressed.

"Good morning," his husky voice made me look at him. His phone was put away and he was looking at me with a smile.

"Good morning," I smiled back and turned away again.

"Are you in a hurry?" He whispered.

"Not at all. But I want to be clear, that every hour I'm spendi~" my words were cut off by his chuckle.

"I know." He said and got up. "I will pay you for every minute spent with me." He mumbled before going into the bathroom.

I stared at the door where he had disappeared, feeling something strange. But I didn't know what.

I sighed, shaking my head. I continued getting dressed and when this was done I just sat on the bed and waited for the man to come back. I couldn't help but wonder if he was going to ask me to stay more or if he was just going to pay. The moment the bathroom door was opened I bit my lip and looked at him.

"I'm sorry if I made you wait long." He smiled and, yes, he was far from handsome but he was so damn charming. Especially with that smile on his face.

"It's fine, really." I smiled back, my eyes following him around. "I didn't wait long."

"Uhh, you have to tell me how much I owe you." His eyes pinned on mine and for a few seconds, I forgot I had to speak.

"I take 100,000 won for an hour," I mumbled and he went to take his phone to check the time.

"So, ten hours? Correct me if I'm wrong." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well, since midnight, it's almost ten in the morning, so yeah." I did the quick math and shrugged. "A million?" I whispered, feeling that this was way too much for a night. Usually, I was spending one, maximum two, hours. But when he passed me the money and I started counting, I realized I was holding way more than what I had to get.

"you gave me 1,500,000 won, these are..." I tried to pass him the extra money he gave me, but he pushed my hand gently.

"This is your tip," he smiled and nodded. "Take them!"

I couldn't do anything, but whisper "Thank you," before putting the money in my bag. "Are you sure?" I asked for confirmation and he nodded again, smiling at me. I returned the smile and looked around, making sure that I had picked up everything before making my way to the door.

I opened it and took a few steps before his voice stopped me.

"Thank you."

I turned around, looking confused.

"For what?"

"For staying the night," Kyungsoo said and I shrugged.

"You paid for it." Were my last words before I closed the door. A smile appeared on my lips and I wasn't even sure why I was smiling.

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