Chapter 68

76 4 2

San's POV
2 November 2028
Seoul, Korea

I got out of my car and locked it. I was holding a plastic bag with boxes of food while I was about to go, once again, to the person who annoyed me the most. I didn't know why I was doing it but I was feeling sorry that he was laying in bed all day with no one to talk to.

I spent Halloween night with him and it wasn't that bad. Even though we had to sleep together on the small hospital bed I had a good sleep. His body was feeling warm against mine. And maybe last night, when I was sleeping at home I kinda missed him. It felt so empty without him.

"The hell are you doing here once again?!" He threw a pillow my way, but I caught it with one hand and showed the plastic bag in my other one.

"First, I'm here with peace. Second, I took something delicious for you to eat." I smiled. "And on top of that it's boring when I can't always remind you how dumb, annoying and stupid you are!"

"But you do admit that I'm sexy!" Seonghwa said and I returned the favor by throwing the pillow back at him. He laughed and put it behind his neck. "So?"

"What?"I asked coming closer. "I just came to say hi and to give you some food. Actual food!"

He chuckled. I knew what he was trying to show me. That I cared. Yes, I cared for him. Till he was in condition to be back in action, I cared for him very, very much.

"Okay," I sighed sitting next to him. "We won't watch a movie, but do you want us to play something?"

"Okay. Fine."

"What do you wanna do? Questions?"

"It's not like we have any other option." He rolled his eyes.

"Okay, wanna start first?" I said as I was taking the boxes with food out of the bag and putting them on the bed next to him.

"Hmm, let's start easy. How did you decide to become a policeman?" He asked and picked one of the boxes, waiting for me to give him the chopsticks.

"I've always wanted that." I answered, remembering how when me and Hyunjin were little we were talking how he is going to be the best dancer while I'm going to be the best policeman. "I wanted to... help people. To catch the bad guys." I chuckled. Seonghwa probably thought it was because of the way I said it but in reality it was because of the fact that my best friend was one of the bad guys.

"This sounds so cliché." He laughed.

"But it's the truth. Growing up I saw... a lot of things. Wrong things. And ever since I've wanted to be one of the people who help others."

"Okay," He nodded. "I guess I should answer the same question now?" Seonghwa looked at me. And when I looked at him too, he was smiling a little.

"Maybe. If you want to play by these rules." I told him. "Hm?"

"Yes, one of us should ask and both of us should answer the questions... " He smiled. "I didn't want to be a policeman when I was little. In fact, I wanted to become one many years later, afraid that being a model won't be enough when I'm older."

Now it all made sense. He was here just because he wanted to have other options. Because modeling could be your way of making money, but once you get fat and old, you're over. And I completely understood that.

"So... it's my turn now." I told him and he nodded. "What do you like about being a model?"

"There are a lot of things actually." He chucked. "You get the opportunity to express yourself and... I feel free when I'm standing in front of the camera. I feel... like myself?" He mumbled but it sounded more like a question.

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