Chapter 152

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Jisung's POV
21 November 2028
Seoul, Korea

Hyunjin, San, and I got out of the building and then into the car. All the way there Hyunjin was caressing me with one hand, with the other he was holding the backpack.

"The yearly meeting?" San asked him. I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Mhm," Hyunjin whispered as he positioned the backpack and helped us get more comfy, making me sit on his lap. San took out three glasses and poured alcohol for each of us.

"Cheers!" He said, raising his glass.

"Cheers," Hyunjin and I repeated after him, raising ours, and after that, we drank a bit from the alcohol.

"Oh," San mumbled and took a flash drive out of his back pocket. "As I told you on the phone this is all I could find." He handed it to Hyunhin who took it, thanking him. I was more than confused about what was going on but I didn't know how to ask. "They have three kids, born in three different countries though." San laughed.

"Thanks, Sannie," Hyunjin mumbled.

"For you?" San questioned but Hyunjin shook his head. "Yuta?" Was San's next guess which happened to be right because Hyunjin nodded.


The name was familiar to me. I was sure I had heard it but I wasn't sure where or when. I grabbed my glass, drinking from it while still searching for a memory in my mind.

Then it hit me. Hyunjin went to meet him after our date in the cinema. Where we had... our first kiss. Thinking about this made me blush hard, as I remembered what happened on that date.

"What's up, love?" Hyunjin questioned, making me turn my head to look at him. "Are you jealous again, love?" His fingers cupped my chin.

"No, I'm not jealous. I've never been jealous." I lied to him, my lips curving into a big grin, all my teeth showing.

"Are you sure, love?" He asked and I nodded.

"And who is Yuta?" I answered his question with another question.

"I knew you were jealous, love." Hyunjin giggled and squeezed my cheeks.

"Since when are you so damn saccharine?" San groaned. "Please, don't fuck in front of my eyes."

"Is he the man that you met after the cinema date?" I insisted on knowing.

"Yes, he is." Hyunjin sighed and I nodded. "Don't be jealous." He mumbled quietly, close to my face.

"I'm not jealous."

"You are jealous," San mumbled and I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Love," Hyunjin whispered, turning my head back to face him since I had looked away. "You are the only one my heart belongs to."

I gulped, my heart beating fast. Fuck you, Hyunjin! Why are you making me feel that way?

"And why does he want to know more about these people?" I asked him and he sighed.

"I have no idea. I didn't ask him but I guess it should be related to his work."

"Is he a businessman?" I inquired and San started laughing.

"He has a business with candles," Hyunjin told me, looking at San.

"Handmade," San said, laughing even harder.

"Are you kidding me?" I inquired, switching between Hyunjin's and San's eyes.

"No." Hyunjin shook his head. I looked at San who had covered his mouth with his hand and was trying not to laugh.

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