Chapter 140

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Seonghwa's POV
20 November 2028
Seoul, Korea

The workday finally finished and I stood up, collecting my things. San and I didn't really speak the whole day and this was both a blessing and a curse. Maybe what I needed the whole day was for him to distract me. As much as I hated his offensive jokes they were entertaining me and were keeping me out of my mind.

"Going to meet the sugar daddy?" He inquired.

"San, can you not? I don't have power for this." I mumbled quietly, looking at him.

"Okay..." He whispered. "But what's the drama there? You were so quiet the whole day," he added and I knew he wanted to tease me more, but he didn't do it.

"I will tell you one day," I said as I checked if I had everything on me. I was nervous and scared, I didn't want to go there, but I also had to be on time for my photoshoot.

As I stormed out of the office, I heard San yelling after me.

"Goodbye?" His questioning voice made me smile, but I just continued on my way out.

I missed the supportive San. The one that was coming to the hospital so I wouldn't be alone. The one who was calling every day, to tell me about his day because he knew I was bored and alone. The one that took me home and cooked for me, and hugged me the whole night after I had a nightmare. I needed him right now. However, it looked like he was almost fully gone and I needed to accept that.

As soon as I walked out of the station I saw him waiting for me and sighed.

"Sweety," he started, trying to hug me but I cut him off.

"Don't call me like that ever again."

"But, I... I used to call you this and you liked it!" He protested. I sighed, unlocking my car, and made a nod with my head to tell him to get in.

"I liked it when I was what? Five years old?" I sighed, starting the engine. "Why are you here?"

"I came to see my big boy," he tried to put his hand on mine on the shifter. Luckily, he didn't put it there, instead, he placed it on his own tight.

"Or your stupid cow died!" I hissed. I hated this man from the bottom of my heart. I was discussed to even refer to him as my father.

"Will you ever stop calling her like that?" He mumbled.

"I'm not planning to. Why? Does it bother you?" I squeezed my fists. "If yes, feel free to walk out of the car, now." 

He shook his head and I drove off. I saw San, walking out of the station but I pushed him out of my mind because I wasn't able to think about him too. 

"What do you want?"

"I told you. I wanted to see my son."

"I'm not your son nor you are my father." I hissed.

"But, swee~"

"I told you not to call me that!" I yelled, startling him.

"I'm sorry." He sighed loudly. "She died three years ago. Your brother left me. I was alone." He admitted. "I sold the house and decided to come back here, where my family is."

"Family?" I laughed. "You left me and mom when I was five! You never asked if we needed you, you never asked what I have achieved. The only times you were calling was on my birthday for two minutes! Is this enough time for a father-son relationship?" I was barely managing to keep my voice normal and not yell at him. "I don't think so!"

"You know Hellen didn't like you." He whispered.

"And why did you like her then? If I had kids I would never leave them for someone who doesn't like and doesn't want them in their life!" I yelled and hit the brakes, looking at him. We were at a traffic light but he got scared.

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