Chapter 1: Wait, What?!

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We were all getting ready for the first friendly match of the season. Naturally I had my David Villa Barcelona shirt on while my best friend had on her Puyol one. We both loved all the players in the club but today Elena chose to wear one of her favorites and that was Puyol. After all he was returning from an injury so naturally she had to show our captain support. My favorite player was David Villa. The first time I saw him play I remember telling myself he is an amazing player and he is going to make the difference despite everyone speaking about Fernando Torres. When the world cup came I was so proud that he proved that. I was always in awe of the way Xavi and Iniesta but Messi has a special place. Despite him being the best in the world, I always looked at him a player who just has a passion for the game. That sometimes he was human too and deserved to make mistakes. My biggest crush however was on Afellay, just everything about him. Our jerseys were in large sizes and we specifically bought them that way because we loved the way they felt. They were perfect to sleep in. Though the guys had some of the other players it was tradition to always swap when we felt like it.

"Score prediction today guys?" Nate asked wearing his Xavi shirt.

This was a usual tradition for the four of us once the season started. Every weekend normally Saturdays, the four of us would go to each other's house to get ready to watch the Barcelona game together.

"Hmm I'm going for a 3-0, and I hope Messi scores a hattrick!" Elena said excitedly. She was my best friend since childhood and we did everything together. Like me, Messi is one of her favorite players and she supported him from the very beginning. Before the world knew him as the best player in the world. She was always trying to scout the next big stars but she had the hugest crush on Thiago, Bartra and Xavi.

She had on her signature blue jeans and her hair was tied up in a ponytail like always. I also wore my dark jeans but I always wore my hair down. Like that we were both blessed with good hair. I was lucky, as long as I cut it often I never had to worry about fixing it, it always looked good. Elena just suited a ponytail, her hair would naturally curl at the ends and it always gave her that sweet look. We both had brown hair and brown eyes, sometimes people even believed we were sisters.

"Yeah 3-0 will be good but I wouldn't mind Villa scoring a goal!" I said happily. I couldn't explain it but I always got so happy when my favorite players scored. "Then again I love Messi too so I won't mind if he did get a hattrick.I hope they sub on Afellay and he scores too!"

"You guys are so typical, I'm gonna be different. I say 4-1," Matt said giving me and Elena a look. He was wearing his Iniesta shirt with a black jeans, "But I'm going for a goal for Xavi, one for Iniesta, one for Kieta and one for Pedro," he said, then smiled smugly at the two of us. He had light brown hair and green eyes, was decently tall, not too built but not scrawny either. He loved irritating me but more so Elena. They were cousins and they always irritated each other but deep down I knew they loved each other and at times they showed how much they cared for each other

"Well even if they all score, I'm quite sure Messi will be assisting them!" Elena said.

Nate and I looked at each other and smiled. He was my other best friend. We were very close but we both knew that there could never be anything romantic between us because we always looked at each other like siblings and we like it that way. He like Matt also inherited good looks, dark brown hair with blue eyes.

"So Nate? Your prediction?" I asked him.

"Hmm I guess I'll make you all happy. I'll take Matt's scoreline and say 2 for Messi, one for Villa and one for Xavi," he replied cheerfully.

The game then started and the four of us all sat on the couch in anticipation to watch the game.

"I'm going to make you guys a deal," Matt said, "If Kieta scores you all owe me 5 bucks otherwise I'll pay you each 5 bucks."

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