Meet The Parents

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Cas was pretty positive he had divided his family in two when he had told them he was gay.

On the one side stood the homophobes, his mother Naomi, and his siblings Anna and Raphael.

On the other side stood the people that didn't care who Cas liked to kiss, including his father Chuck, and his siblings Gabriel, Lucifer, Balthazar, Alfie, and Hannah.

The division between the family was never spoken of, but it was always there. Cas just tried his best to ignore it, especially since he had better things to spend his time thinking about.

Things like his long time boyfriend, Dean Winchester.

Things like their future when they would graduate from school.

Things like how utterly perfect Dean was in every possible way.

Now, while Cas's family knew he was gay, they didn't know about Dean. Or, at least, his parents didn't know. Cas just didn't want to broadcast the fact and watch his mother look at him like he was a red stain on a white carpet.

But Gabriel, the stupid prankster, decided he hadn't messed with Cas enough lately, and he spilled the beans one morning.

"So," Chuck began, grinning at his son. "I hear you have a boyfriend." Cas's eyes widened.

"Gabriel, you little snitch." He muttered under his breath.

"And I hear you've been dating him for, what, three years?"

"Four, actually." Cas admitted.

"Must be a serious relationship." Cas half smiled.

"It is."

"And I haven't met him whhhyyyyy?" Chuck asked. Cas looked at his dad, both of them knowing exactly why Dean had never made an appearance in the Novak household. "Well, at least tell me about him." Chuck insisted.

"His name is Dean." Cas explained, a smile growing on his face as he spoke. He couldn't help it. It was impossible to talk about Dean without smiling a little bit. "Dean Winchester. He's nineteen, plays on the football team, and is extremely protective of his little brother. He drives an old Chevy and is a total geek like me. He's not that great academic wise, but he passes his classes. He's also super hot and he sings classic rock songs all the time, even though he has a bad singing voice." Chuck nodded.

"So you've snagged the hot football player- nice work." Cas blushed.

"He's a bit more then that." Chuck thought for a moment, an idea forming in his mind.

"Why don't you invite him over for dinner on Friday?" He questioned. "Then we can all get to know him." Cas's eyes widened.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" He asked, concerned. He didn't want to bring Dean over, only to have Naomi scream at him and call him horrible things.

"I think it's a great idea." Chuck declared. "Besides, I need to judge who you're dating- gotta make sure he's good enough for you." Cas smirked. His dad would love Dean- it was impossible not to.


Dean shut his locker with a metal bang, only to see Cas standing on the other side of it. He grinned at his boyfriend.

"Hey Cas," He offered.

"Hello Dean," He smiled. "What are you doing Friday night?"

"Whatever you say next." Dean insisted, always happy to spend more time with Cas. "Why?" Cas rubbed his neck awkwardly.

"My dad wants you to come over for dinner," he admitted. Dean blinked in surprise. He'd barely even been to the Novak household, let alone stuck around long enough to meet Cas's father.

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