Bartenders and Breakups

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Rocky's Bar. A small but sophisticated place that had the best burgers and the hottest bartender in town.

It was a small town, so Dean Winchester, certified hot bartender, usually knew everyone that turned up. There was Bobby and Rufus, the old drunks who turned up every weekend to argue over everything, down a bottle of whiskey, and then make a bet, with the loser paying the bill.

Then there was Charlie, the nerd who always looked slightly out of place in the bar. But she'd show up like clockwork in her glasses and Star Wars T-shirts, writing frantically on a notebook or typing away on a computer. She had the biggest crush on one of the waitresses, so Dean always made sure Jo waited the table, hoping to nudge the two girls together. 

Then there was Ash, the hustler who came in, downed half a bottle of rum, and would cheat even drunker people out of their cash in a game of pool. Dean usually kept a close eye on him, but Ash knew better then to try and swindle anything too big past Dean.

Dean knew everybody, customer or worker. Benny and Garth worked the kitchens, Jo, Pamela, and Ellen waitressed and ran the front of the house, and Dean worked the bar. He had an art to fixing drinks and knowing exactly what people wanted, and what they needed.

But when a new guy stumbled into the bar one Saturday night, Dean was at a loss.

He was a handsome guy, with blue eyes and dark hair. His suit was rumpled up and he slumped into a seat at the bar, sniffling and looking like somebody had just run over his dog.

"Hey buddy," Dean offered. "What can I getcha?"

"Something strong." Mystery man demanded. 

"Any other specifications?" Plenty of things at the bar were strong.

"No, I don't know." The man rubbed at his face, his voice wavering. "I don't even know what I'm doing here, I hardly ever drink." 

"It's alright." Dean got the poor guy a glass of water. "Why don't you start with this." He looked up, grateful, and Dean took in a breath. Damn, was this guy handsome. "So, what's got you down?" He asked.

"My girlfriend dumped me," He explained.

Damn. Mystery guy didn't play for his side of the field. Ah well, maybe Pamela would end up leaving with a new friend.

"Oh?" Dean questioned, waiting for him to elaborate. The bar was reasonably crowded, but everyone else was fine at the moment. Dean had the time for a chat.

"Yeah." He sipped the water. "We'd been dating for three freaking years, and she ditches me tonight for some British dude."

"Ouch." Dean winced. 

"It's fine. She was a jackass anyway." He sighed. "Stupid Meg."

"You deserve better," Dean declared.

"How do you know? You don't even know me."

"True, but I'm a bartender." Dean grinned. "I'm good at reading people, and it looks like you didn't deserve a jerk like her."

"It's probably my fault anyways," He offered. "I should know better then to date girls. Nothing but drama and betrayal. I should go back to guys."

"You like guys too?" Dean asked. So he did have hope!

"Pan." He explained. "So I don't really care."

"I know what you mean," Dean offered. "I'm bi."

"No way." Mystery man's eyes widened. "A hot guy like you could be into dudes?"

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