
5.3K 47 10

this is a fanfiction story
based in the Harry Potter
universe created by
J.K. Rowling

the events and characters
in this story are ficticious &
do not exist nor hold any
implications or meaning
to reality

any similarity to actual
persons or events or other
fanfictions are unintentional



"J.K. Rowling's reaction is that
she is very flattered by the fact
there is such great interest in
her Harry Potter series and that
people take the time to write
their own stories"


"is happy for spin-offs to be
published online as long as
the publications are not sold
and it is made clear she was
not involved in the stories"


all rights go to J.K. Rowling

aside from the changes in
the plotline and my own
characters; such as the main
character and adaptions
to pre-existing characters


i do not give any rights for
this story to be translated,
copyrighted, or re-published
to different sites

if you wish to do so please
feel free to ask beforehand


all cover artwork and banners
at the bottom of chapters in the
book, as well as the aesthetics
and any other mixed medias
are created by myself unless
said so

please do not copy them or steal


there are to be Author's Notes
at the bottoms of each chapter
i would rather like if you read
them but i, of course, cannot
force you to

these notes will hold context
or explanations of the chapters
and insights into the reasons
i chose to write it like that


the romantic relationships
portrayed in this story
is between my Original
Character and a member of
the Harry Potter Universe

(fem!oc x cedricdiggory)


i have many other books
going on at the same time as
this one, so i cannot promise
you regular updates, but i will
do my best

please go check out the other
stories! there are Harry Potter,
Marvel, and One Direction /
Larry Stylinson ones

my personal suggestions are
(in shameless self promotion):

"the stars protect us..."
(regulus black)
another people's favorite

your legacy
(newt scamander's granddaughter)
the final people's favorite

in your ocean blue,
i'll capsize a thousand times
(larry stylinson au)
my favorite


feel free to ask me anything
about the story or not about it,
any questions or complaints
are welcome

though i do ask that you keep
your finer and more brutal
criticism to yourself and
not to leave it in my
comment section

please no fighting in the


i'd like you to know that
my facts about the movies
and books, as well as the
timeline are all accurate
and that any mistakes
in my writing have been
done either purposefully
or you are the one who
has it wrong

indeed i have changed the
timeline and order of
events as well as the plot
this is all to fit my story
and the characters


goblet of fire →
deathly hallows


i may not have experience
or proper knowledge
in certain themes or topics
portrayed in this story

please correct me if i'm
wrong about anything


there will be a part two to this
book because as the way i've
published it so far means i can only
publish 200 chapter in one story


if you have any concerns
or would just like a normal
conversation, feel free to
chat to me on my message
board, in my private
messages, or in the
comments here :)


this story is to be read in:

black or white background
font georgia,
font size as small as


you are now reading:





enjoy ;)

when i met youNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ