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 "You mean to say that you knew Hagrid was off with the giants?!" Harry exclaimed in a whisper the following morning.

Lexi and Cedric had been in their regular spot at the Hufflepuff table when Harry, Ron and Hermione cornered them, demanding answers. They didn't say anything in response to the demanding question.

"And you didn't tell us?!"

"Harry, you do realize that we couldn't tell you for Hagrid's safety and everyone else's, don't you?" Lexi said coolly. Harry didn't respond this time.

Cedric stepped in too, "And for the fact that being in the Order means we cannot tell you these things for this exact reason."

Harry gave in, defeated, and accepted their words, "Sorry," he mumbled.

"S'alright," Lexi went back to eating.

The trio moved away, leaving Lexi and Cedric to shuffle down the table closer to their friends.

"What'd little bro want?" Rolf asked through a half mouthful of food.

Lexi shook her head lightly, "Summer stuff, no big deal."

"It's cute." Amber stated off-handedly.

"What?" Lexi laughed.

Amber sat up and looked at her friend, "It's cute how your brother relies on you, shows how much you trust each other."

With a look down to her plate then up again, Lexi smiled, "Well, he's been through a lot, hasn't he? He needs someone he can rely on."

"Well, yeah, but like even with Cedric —" she nodded to the other boy "— y'know, most brothers aren't happy with their sister having a boyfriend."

Cedric laughed lightly, "Yeah, but he knows me, right? We got on before Lexi and I started dating, so we still get on now."

"Suppose so..." muttered Amber, "But even so, it's just cute."

There were a few moments of silence as the four of them ate their breakfast, Rolf was the first to speak up.

"What class d'we have?" he was always the more forgetful of the four.

"Care of Magical Creatures," said Lexi. All four of them took the class, Rolf wanted to be a Magizoologist like his grandfather, but the other three just liked the class.

"Wonder what Hagrid's got for us today," said Cedric.

"Umbridge is supposed to be inspecting all his classes today..." Amber said with annoyance. "It's too early to be outside in the cold."

Rolf smirked at Amber, "We've been getting up at eight AM now for seven years, and you're still not used to it?"

Amber hit Rolf's shoulder, "No, of course I'm not used to it, you blinking jerk!"

One thing was for sure, Amber was not a morning person, Rolf was. Cedric and Lexi shared knowing smirks as they watched their two friends fight across the table.


"Where're we going, Hagrid?!" shouted Malcolm Mackenzie, a sixth-year whose class had joined the seventh-years seeing as there weren't many students in either class.

"Just a bit further in!" Hagrid boomed back.

As they stumbled over tree roots bigger than their legs, Cedric held under Lexi's left elbow to help her navigate through the ground. Rolf had tripped over numerous times already and they heard him come down again, Amber groaned and picked him up... again.

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