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"Is Cho Chang still hunting after you like she's starved and you're her prey?" Alexis casually asked her boyfriend without raising her eyes from the edition of The Daily Prophet she was reading in the Prefects' Common Room (a place that not many people actually used).

There weren't many people in the common room, a couple sixth-year Slytherin prefects, a sixth- and seventh-year Ravenclaw prefect, and one Hufflepuff fifth-year. Cedric was lying across the sofa by the fireplace with his head in Lexi's lap who had her feet propped up on the coffee table before her.

"Excuse me?" laughed Cedric, startled by the question, Lexi felt his laughter.

"Well, you know," continued the Gryffindor, "last year she was obsessed with you, asked you to the ball then when you rejected her, went with Harry instead."

Cedric deemed himself polite, he loved Harry like his own little brother, "You see, I actually think she's quite taken with Harry."

"I don't."

"You don't?"


"Why?" He inquired with a quirked eyebrow.

Lexi put down her paper and looked into the fire, Cedric staring up at her, "'Cause I was having a lovely little chat with Davies yesterday afternoon, he was at Madam Puddifoot's beside Harry and Cho, and well... she didn't seem interested in him is what Davies said. Apparently she left the shop in tears."

"Have you talked to Harry about it?"

"No, didn't really have the chance, by the time we got back from duties, he was already asleep."

"And this morning?"

"Still asleep when I left."

"Doesn't mean Cho's interested in me, though," he said calmly, never having a problem with being honest to his partner.

Grumbling, Lexi agreed, "Yes, but she has been staring at you whenever we walk past, then scowling at me when I notice."

Cedric brought his right hand up to brush a few stray hairs behind her ear gently, "You're a very threatening person, anybody is scared of you."

"Don't take me with the flattery right now, Ced," she said it with tiredness but a small smile quirked her lip corner.

Sitting up and facing Alexis with an assured smile, Cedric held her face in his hands, forcing her to look at him, "Darling, it wouldn't even matter if she was interested in me, because I am not interested in her. I've only ever had eyes for you, my love."

A small noise between a whine and a laugh slipped from the girl's mouth as her head fell forward, his forehead meeting her's.

"I love you so much," she said softly, the hint of a whimper in her tone, and her eyes drooping closed.

Cedric read her mind and leant the rest of the way into her, his lips lovingly meeting hers in a devoted kiss. It didn't last too long before he was pulling away to whisper words into her mouth.

"Darling, I love you more than my heart knows how to."

Here, a full on whine left her lips as she pulled her lover back into their kiss. One of the Ravenclaws looked over at the noise but quickly diverted his eyes again.

 One of the Ravenclaws looked over at the noise but quickly diverted his eyes again

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Hello, again! If you've read my book "the stars protect us..." | rab then you will know that this "Darling, I love you more than my heart knows how to." line is also in there. It is one of my favourite things I've ever written.

Sorry for the very delayed updates lol, I have exams season at the moment plus nationals for sport this weekend and church activities plus work. Holy sh*t, I have a boyfriend. I GOT A BOYFRIEND!!!! I'm so happy :D

On another note, I rewatched the goblet of Fire the other day. 

I know this one is a bit shorter, but it was necessary.

Don't forget to vote and comment <3

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