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It was a wonder to the three schools how Cedric had been 'dead' one moment and very well alive the next. Dumbledore had said Cedric had simply been under a dark spell, as to save the cAlexis and Harry Potter were sitting on the swings of the park in Magnolia crescent. It was a broad summer day with not a cloud in sight of the blue sky—abnormal for England.

Harry was reading the newspaper, he'd been becoming increasingly anxious and frustrated over the past month after only receiving brief letters from Ron and Hermione.

Lexi had been apparating to London a couple times a week to meet with 'Cedric' as far as Harry knew. Though most of the time it was her boyfriend, they'd also been apparating together to the headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix. Being both of age, they'd been offered by Dumbledore to join the Order if their parents gave permission—or godfathers for Lexi.

Every Friday night, Lexi would leave her brother at the Dursley's and apparate to 12 Grimmauld Place where the meetings were held—Sirius' old house. The Weasley's were all there, as was Hermione.

Lexi hated to keep this a secret from Harry, but it had been one of the conditions of joining. Mrs Weasley wasn't all too pleased with them joining either, it also raised more problems with her own seventeen-year-olds.

It was Tuesday and the Potter siblings had been wandering the streets of Surrey since summer began. They'd always find a way to get out of the house if they could.

This was the first time in six years that Lexi was back at the Dursley's house where she'd grown up—mostly. Aunt Petunia was definitely less aggravating and more welcoming than her husband had been. Though she'd never really liked Lexi or Harry, Lexi was also the closest thing she'd ever had to a daughter—so she was generally less harsh on her.

Dudley—their cousin—was most terrified of Harry and Lexi, especially because the girl could actually use her magic. He'd also spend most days out of the house, but normally at his mate's home or out beating up kids—which Lexi tried to stop on multiple occasions.

Alexis tried to refrain from using too much magic as to not develop a habit of relying on it. Though, she did use some on hers and Harry's room to make it liveable for two people.

Harry was looking through The Daily Prophet, Lexi didn't know why he bothered anymore, they only ever told lies about him, Dumbledore and occasionally her and Cedric—not often though.

It was that moment that Dudley and his 'gang' decided to approach the siblings. One of them—Drew—was staring greedily (and creepily) at Lexi, he had a major crush on her and it definitely weirded her out.

Harry put down the paper, "Hey Big D," he said loudly. "Beat up another ten-year-old?"

Lexi rolled her eyes, she knew what he was trying to do.

"This one deserved it," Dudley said back as his mates all chorused a 'yeah'.

"You're an ass, Dudley," said Lexi disapprovingly.

"Yeah? And whatchu gonna do about it?" he asked all tough and mighty because he had people with him, thinking Lexi wouldn't use her magic.

"Five against one, very brave," Harry said, excluding himself from the equation.

Dudley smirked, "Well you're one to talk—moaning in your sleep every night—least I'm not afraid of my pillow."

Dudley's gang all laughed as Lexi placed her hand on Harry's arm warningly.

"'Don't kill Cedric!'" he mocked, "Who's Cedric—your boyfriend?"

The gang continued to laugh as Lexi said a tad too loudly, "No, he's my boyfriend!"

Dudley ignored this, "He's going to kill me mum! Where is your mum? Where is your mum, Potter—she dead? Is she dead?"

Harry jumped from the swing and pulled out his wand but Lexi was quicker to pull him back and march up to Dudley herself—if either of them should use magic, it should at least be her.

Pulling out her wand, Lexi shoved it under her cousin's neck and staring threateningly at him. The gang all cracked with laughter, but nothing of this was funny to the three cousins.

"You better shut your damn mouth right now or I swear I'll blow you to pieces!" she shouted, Dudley was taking deep breaths. "Or would you like some matching ears for your tail?" she taunted him.

sorry for the long pause between updates, been super busy this month already

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sorry for the long pause between updates, been super busy this month already. I have all the chapters written, just keep forgetting to upload. also sorry about the repeat of things in this chapter.

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