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The crowds were cheering, the band was playing and the champions were getting ready. Alexis had her forehead pressed against Cedric's, her hands on the sides of his face and his on the small of her back. Their eyes were closed as Lexi whispered to him.

"You've got this, alright? You're gonna do fine." There was a slight choke to her voice. "It doesn't matter if you don't win, just come back to me, please."

Cedric smiled and placed a small kiss on her lips, "I have you, I've already won."

Lexi opened her eyes and couldn't help but breath out a small laugh, "I'm serious—don't die, come—back—to—me."

"I promise," he kissed her gently.

Then they hugged one last time before pulling apart, Lexi walked over to her brother and wrapped her arms around his shoulder from behind.

"You ready?" she asked.

He was tense and she could feel it in his shoulder, "As I'll ever be, right?"

The sister squeezed him and let go, "Do your best and remember—there could be dementors and Bogarts in there, so if one spell doesn't work, try the other."

Harry nodded, shaking himself to rid of his nerves.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! Let me remind you how the points currently stand! Tied in first place, with eighty-five points each—Mr. Cedric Diggory and Mr. Harry Potter, both of Hogwarts School!" The cheers and applause sent birds from the Forbidden Forest fluttering into the darkening sky. "In second place, with eighty points—Mr. Viktor Krum, of Durmstrang Institute!" More applause. "And in third place—Miss Fleur Delacour, of Beauxbatons Academy!"

"It's only a maze, right? How bad could it be?" Harry said to his sister with a nervous smirk, Lexi laughed.

"Those are Hagrid's creatures in there, remember?"

"So... on my whistle, Harry and Cedric!" said Bagman. "Three—two—one—"

He gave a short blast on his whistle, and Harry and Cedric walked forward into the maze, both turning to look one last time at Alexis before being engulfed by the hedges.

Now they waited.

A nerve wracking hour had gone by already and both Viktor and Fleur had been pulled out of the maze, unconscious. Lexi had never been good with having patience, it was a fault of hers.

As soon as Fleur had been carried out of the hedges, she awoke with a start, claiming Viktor had attacked her. Lexi had rushed to calm her down with Gabrielle, mainly to give herself something to do. Viktor had come out not too soon after claiming—once they revived him—that he couldn't remember anything past entering the maze.

It was all becoming increasingly worrying for the audience as the anticipation levels in the air tripled. Lexi was now standing with Cedric's parents, his mother's arm around her, reassuring the young woman her boyfriend was fine.

Suddenly there was a loud crack and two figures were on the ground— one was certainly not fine.

Suddenly there was a loud crack and two figures were on the ground— one was certainly not fine

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