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As they jogged into the castle, trying to get back to the common room before 1am, Harry and Lexi bumped into someone and the cloak slipped off Lexi. She was standing behind whoever they'd ran into and she spun around as he called out—

"Who's there?" Karkaroff.

Lexi cursed under her breath and motioned for Harry to keep going behind her back while she sorted this out.

"My apologies, sir! I wasn't watching where I was going." Lexi quickly apologized and Karkaroff spun around.

He looked surprised to see someone out here, as if caught, "What are you doing out here?! Shouldn't you be asleep or something?!"

Alexis played her part well, smiling with fake innocence, she replied as if to a child, "No, sir. I'm a prefect and I'm only doing my nightly duties."

Karkaroff didn't seemed convince but he was looking edgy to leave and continue to where he was originally heading, "You're Harry Potter's sister?"

"I am, sir," she nodded and smiled again.

The man looked at her one last time before leaving without another word. Lexi waited for him to round the corner before she sprinted off to the Tower, casting a disillusionment charm on herself, hoping it would suffice.

When she arrived back, Harry was already talking to someone, he was crouched at the fireplace and Lexi looked curiously as she sat beside him, still huffing.

Sirius' head was in the fire!

"There are things I need to tell you about –" Sirius cut himself off at seeing Lexi. "Hello, Lexis."

She smiled, "Hello, Sirius."

"Warn me about what?" Harry said impatiently.

Sirius focused his attention again, "Karkaroff."

Lexi's eyes widened, "Oh, I've just had a real nice chat with him actually." The two others looked at her with 'what did you just say' expressions, "Sarcasm, c'mon guys!"

Sirius went onto explain how Karkaroff used to be a Death Eater and was in Azkaban before being released. They talked about how the man could have put Harry's name in the goblet and then onto Voldemort and his followers, and now the dragons for the coming task.

"–there is away, and a simple spell's all you need. Just –"

Alexis held up her hand to silence Sirius and the siblings eyes widened in horror, someone was coming, they could hear footsteps from the dormitory staircase.

"Go! Someone's coming!" Harry hissed to Sirius and in a small 'pop' he disappeared from the fire.

Harry and Lexi made it look like they'd just been chatting on the floor. The person appeared at the boy's stairs... Ron. The Potter's let out a sigh of relief and got up to walk to the boy.

"Oh, I just thought I heard someone talking," he said.

"We were talking to Padfoot," Lexi replied nonchalantly, "I'll let Harry explain in the morning. Go back to bed... both of you."

Harry nodded but had one last question, "What about Cedric? All the champions are bound to know now except him."

Lexi shook her head, "Don't worry about it, I'll tell him in the morning."

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