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After the meeting had concluded, Lexi travelled back downstairs to find Sirius and ask where her room was, or if she was sharing with the girls.

"No, you'll be getting my brother's old room," he'd replied as he took her up several sets of stairs.

"Your brother?" Lexi asked with uncertainty.

Sirius nodded with regret plain on his face, they reached the door and on it Sirius pointed to a small plaque. "Regulus Arcturus Black."

Lexi's fingers danced over the shiny surface, skimming past the engraved letters, her hand fell to the handle and she pushed her way into the room. Inside was dark, a large king bed sat in the middle against the wall with green drapes. There were black shelves and a dresser in the room, it was all very neat and tidy.

It was clear that this was the only room in the house that Kreacher cared to keep clean. There were no posters on the walls, or books and artifacts on the shelves, it appeared to be that Regulus wasn't a very sentimental person.

Lexi's finger wiped over the dresser and not a speck of dust came off onto her finger.

Sirius noticed, "Yes, Kreacher was always deeply fond of my brother, even after his death, Kreacher still serves his memory."

"How'd he die?" the girl asked turning around to face the older man.

The oldest Black brother stiffened but answered, "I'm not too sure, I don't even remember how I found out. My brother was a person with many secrets, I didn't know much about him after I was put in Gryffindor.

"We were close as children, but we both distanced ourselves after my first year. I've always regretted that, not staying close. He joined the Death Eaters in his final year, but I'd already left his life by then... some people said he was murdered by Voldemort when he tried to get out. You don't just 'get out' of the Death Eaters."

"I'm sorry, Sirius," said Lexi sincerely.

Sirius waved his hand, dismissing her comment and snapping out of his daze, "There's nothing to be sorry about—after all, we weren't close."

"You don't have to be close for the death of a sibling to hurt."

Sirius looked at her and gave the tiniest nod before stepping back down the stairs and leaving Lexi alone. Her trunk had already been brought up and she sat quietly on the soft bed.

She noticed how Sirius hadn't set a foot inside the room, he'd stayed outside. Also how Sirius kept referring to Regulus as 'my brother' instead of by his name. She could see the guilt and remorse on his face and in his actions.

It was in the early hours of the morning that Alexis found herself standing in front of the portrait of Mrs Black, the curtains were drawn and she was muttering quietly. With the swish of her wand, Lexi cast a silencing spell around them and carefully opened the curtains.

Immediately, the portrait started shrieking its head off and Lexi prayed her spell had worked.

"Mrs Black, please!" she tried to quiet the woman—to no avail, so she went for something that might. "I wanted to ask you about your son!" her voice was loud, loud enough to get through Mrs Black's screams.

It worked, Mrs Black looked at Lexi as she screamed bloody murder about Sirius, "THAT FILTHY BLOOD-TRAITOR —"

"No! I meant to ask you about your other son."

That got her.

Mrs Black went deathly quiet as she stared with wide eyes at Lexi. "What do you know about my Regulus? Has he come to see me?" she then started searching in the darkness behind Lexi for her son.

Lexi shook her head sadly—Mrs Black didn't know Regulus had died. "No, I wanted to ask you what he was like?"

The strict expression on the mother's face faded as she remembered her youngest son, "He was my perfect boy, always proud to uphold the family standards, proud to be a Pure-blood. Joined The Dark Lord for a good cause after my niece recommended him highly."

Lexi wondered why Mrs Black hadn't asked her why she wanted to know.

"When was the last time you saw your son?" she asked patiently.

Mrs Black's brows pulled together as she thought, "Must be years by now, I sure hope my boy's alright."

The Potter could clearly see how much the mother cared for Regulus, but not for Sirius.

Her eyes snapped onto Lexi, "Who are you?" she demanded sharply.

Lexi's eyes widened, "Alexis, ma'am, a friend of your son's."

Mrs Black relaxed as she thought Lexi meant she was a friend of Regulus', she didn't bother to ask which son.

"Tell my Regulus I miss him, would you?"

Lexi didn't want to tell her that her son was dead, so she didn't, instead she nodded lightly and drew back the curtains on the painting. She released the spell and started back up the stairs again.

"She likes you."

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Well, that's me for now! See you guys in a week or two!

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