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The celebration party in the Gryffindor common room that night was chaotic to say the least. Dozens of Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs (including Cedric) had been snuck into the party with even a couple Slytherins turning up. There was butterbeer and firewhiskey, canary creams, and other sweets and products sent in from the Weasley twins via Honeydukes cellar once they'd heard the news. Lexi, Lee, Cedric, and Harry, had all made the trips between Hogwarts and Hogsmeade to collect the food and drinks for the party that night.

Currently, Lexi and Lee along with Angelina and Amber were singing their hearts out to Dancing Queen by ABBA on the old record player and records that had been part of the common room since before any of them had even started Hogwarts.

"Young and sweet, only eighteen," they changed the lyrics to match their ages, laughing as they did so, "dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah!"

Lexi danced over to where Cedric was leaning against the fireplace and grabbed his hands, pulling him back to where she'd been dancing and waving their arms together, getting him to move with her.

"You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life! Ooh, see that girl," Cedric pointed at his girlfriend who posed for him, "watch that scene, digging the dancing queen!"

They danced with all their friends into the night, being young, wild, and carefree while they could. It was around midnight when someone put on Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana (just because they were wizards, didn't mean they didn't like muggle music) and the party was still in full swing, no one had left yet.


Lexi was sweaty as she and Lee leant against each other to play electric air guitars. Her drink had been spilt long ago and she hadn't had another since, well, she'd only had two fire whiskeys to begin with anyway. Her hair was a mess and the shirt she'd worn was hanging off her shoulder as she danced, showing the top of her bra. But she was having fun, and that's all that mattered.

Eventually, when people started leaving, Cedric dragged Alexis away from the dancefloor and towards the door, winking at Rolf and Amber as they went out the portrait and down the stairs.

"Where're we goin'?" Lexi giggled as she followed him happily.

Cedric, who looped an arm around Lexi's waist, grinned as they went, "Dorm."

Her brows furrowed cutely as she tried to see what he was seeing, "But— your friends are there?"

"Not that dorm."

"Then who's dorm? Not mine, because we just left —?" She stopped short as they stopped outside the portrait of the school's first head boy, some dead guy that Lexi couldn't remember the name of anymore. Cedric said something to him that she couldn't focus on enough to separate the syllables and then the portrait swung open and they were walking into the Head Boy dormitory. Lexi, of course, had the Head Girl dorm, but she'd never been in it before.

The room had a large bed, a cream-coloured sofa, and a fireplace as its main three features. It looked similar to the other school dormitories but with more neutral colours. The fire was lit and the room was a comfortable temperature.

"Just you and me," said Cedric, turning to his girlfriend.

Lexi looked up at him and pulled her hands away from his to loop them around his neck and pull him down to her, whispering against his lips, "Just you and me."

Then her tongue was in his mouth, his hands were moving under her shirt, they were stumbling towards the bed, clothes were coming off. Cedric's head bumped harshly against the headboard and they both collapsed in laughter, his head falling into the space between her shoulder and neck.

"I adore you," said Lexi, carding her fingers through his hair softly.

Cedric's head lifted and he kissed her lips softly, sweetly, "I love you."

"I love you too," she giggled.


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I KNOW that the songs don't fit this story but I really wanted it there so please don't mention it 😭

🚨 CHECK OUT MY TIKTOK @reverseasile_edits I post edits 🚨

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