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In the morning, Alexis and Hermione fetched Harry some breakfast and took him on a walk by the lake. The pair of siblings told Hermione everything from last night and she pun in her thoughts.

"Well, of course I knew you hadn't entered yourself," she said. "The look on your face when Dumbledore read out your name! But the question is, who did put it in? Because Moody's right, Harry... I don't think any student could have done it...they'd never be able to fool the Goblet, or get over Dumbledore's –"

"Have you seen Ron?" Harry interrupted.

The two girls hesitated, Hermione spoke again, "Yes... he was at breakfast."

"Does he still think I entered myself?" Harry asked angrily.

Lexi answered next, "Not quite sure to be honest... he's coming around. He was pretty angry last night, but after hearing me and you, I think he's coming down."

Harry nodded, still a bit annoyed that his best friend didn't fully believe him. They talked a bit more and Lexi spoke up again.

"Harry... I've written to Sirius to explain your situation..." she ware careful, she knew Harry would want to tell him.

"What?!" Exactly.

"Look, Harry, I know you would've wanted to tell him, and you still can, I just told him the basics and that you'd write soon... I forewarned him." Lexi explained, Harry's face softened once again.

"Oh, thanks..."

After that, Harry decided to write his letter int the Owlery, while Hermione went back to Gryffindor Tower and Lexi hung out with Cedric and Amber.

The next day when Harry came down for breakfast, he had obviously thought everyone would have forgotten about the whole thing... they hadn't. The Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws and Slytherins all glared at him as he entered the hall that morning.

When Lexi noticed that Harry looked like turning right back around and walking out again, she stood up and dragged him over to where she had been sitting with the fourth and sixth year Gryffindors.

"Sit." Lexi commanded to Harry, he did as told. "Ignore them," she said when she retook her seat.

Everyone greeted the younger boy politely, they weren't pretending everything was fine, but they'd dialled down since Halloween. Harry sat in the middle of Hermione and Lexi, across from the twins, Ron was on the other side of Hermione.

Harry was edgy around them for a few minutes before his sister noticed and eased his worries, "Harry, everyone sitting here knows you didn't put your name in that goblet, alright? We're your support, bro."

The boy cast a glance over Ron who wasn't meeting his eyes, but everyone else around them had soft smiled and sincere eyes.

Lee spoke next, "We understand that what we did the other night was uncalled for and we shouldn't have pushed you about it."

"Yeah, we're really sorry mate," the twins apologized.

It was silent for a moment where Harry just nodded his head appreciatively. Then Ron turned to speak.

"Hey H-Harry?" the boy said catching everyone's attention, "Can I speak to you outside for a moment."

The boy in question raised his head to Ron and nodded, the two left the hall.

The boy in question raised his head to Ron and nodded, the two left the hall

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