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Alexis jumped around to see Sirius standing at the top of the staircase she was on. He didn't seem angry or disappointed, rather worried actually.

"How do you know?" the girl asked simply as she reached the same level as him.

"She won't talk to anyone but Kreacher. Good idea with the silencing spell, but I could still see you speaking with her." They were speaking in hushed tones.

Lexi nodded as was quiet for a moment before speaking something, she avoided eye contact, "She doesn't know Regulus died."

Sirius nodded this time, "I expect she wouldn't, she only had Kreacher for several years and he'd be too loyal to break her heart like that."

"Please don't tell her..." Lexi whispered.


Lexi looked him in the eye, "Please don't tell her he's gone. She truly believes he's alright and I don't want to take that away from her."

Sirius didn't look all too pleased with the idea, he'd liked causing his mother grief since the day he started at Hogwarts. "Fine. I won't tell her."

The young woman reached forward to hug him, "Thank you."

A loud, clanging bell sounded from downstairs, followed at once by the cacophony of screams and wails from Mrs Black.

"I keep telling them not to ring the doorbell!" said Sirius exasperatedly, hurrying out of the room. Lexi hurried out after him, hoping to help calm his mother down.

From upstairs, the others were all surprised at how Mrs Black's screams stopped almost immediately. No one made any comment on it though. Lexi talked with Mrs Black quietly before pulling the drapes like earlier that morning.

Later, the clanging doorbell rang again. Everyone looked at Mrs Weasley.

"Stay here," she said firmly, snatching up the bag of rats as Mrs Blacks screeches started up again from down below. "I'll bring up some sandwiches."

George made to shut the door to drown the noise of Mrs Weasley's screeches that rivalled Mrs Black's, but before he could do so, a house-elf edged into the room.

"Hello, Kreacher," said Fred very loudly, closing the door with a snap.

The house-elf froze in his tracks, stopped muttering, and gave a very pronounced and very unconvincing start of surprise.

"Kreacher did not see Young Master," he said, turning around and bowing to Fred. Still lacing the carpet, he added, perfectly audibly, "Nasty little brat of a blood traitor it is."

"Sorry?" said George. "Didn't catch that last bit."

"Kreacher said nothing," said the elf, with a second bow to George, adding in a clear undertone, "and there's its twin, unnatural little beasts they are."

Lexi and the twins stifled their laughs.

"... and there's the Mudblood, standing there bold as brass, oh if my mistress knew, oh, how she'd cry, and there's a new boy, Kreacher doesn't know his name. What is he doing here? Kreacher doesn't know..." he looked from Harry to Lexi, "and the young woman my mistress likes is back."

Everyone looked at Lexi for a moment.

Back again! Thank you so much to the few people voting and commenting! Means the world to me :) I'm not even keeping track of the updates now ahahaha

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Back again! Thank you so much to the few people voting and commenting! Means the world to me :) I'm not even keeping track of the updates now ahahaha.

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