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The classroom was silent and still. Everyone was staring at either Umbridge or the Head Boy and Girl.

"Now, let me make a few things quite plain."

Professor Umbridge stood up and leaned towards them, her stubby-fingered hands splayed on her desk.

"You have been told that a certain Dark wizard has returned from the dead and is at large once again. This is a lie."

"It is NOT a lie!" the couple shouted together.

"I saw him, I was there, he used the killing curse on me!" seethed Cedric.

"Hand!" Umbridge shouted before quickly regaining her 'composure' and addressing the class as a whole. "The Ministry of Magic guarantees that you are not in danger from any Dark wizard. If you are still worried, by all means come and see me outside class hours. If someone is alarming you with fibs about reborn Dark wizards, I would like to hear about it. I am here to help. I am your friend. And now, you will kindly continue your reading. Page five, 'Basics for Beginners'."

Cedric stood and Lexi followed suit, "So, according to you, I'm a liar and a walking zombie? Is that true?" Cedric asked, his voice shaking.

"I am sure there it was released by the ministry that you were simply unconscious, Mr Diggory," she said coldly. But it wasn't.

"It was attempted and intended murder," said Lexi. Her temper burst. "Voldemort cast the killing curse on him and you know it."

Professor Umbridge's face was quite blank. For a moment, they thought she was going to scream at them. Then she said, in her softest, most sweetly girlish voice, "Come here, Mr Diggory and Miss Potter, dears."

The two students strolled around their seats and stood in front of Umbridge's desk.

Professor Umbridge pulled a small roll of pink parchment out of her handbag, stretched it out on the desk, dipped her quill into a bottle of ink and started scribbling, hunched over so that they could not see what she was writing. Nobody spoke. After a minute or so she rolled up the parchment and tapped it with her wand; it sealed itself seamlessly so that they could not open it.

"Take this to Headmaster Dumbledore, dears," said Professor Umbridge, holding out the note to Cedric.

He took it from her without saying a word, they turned on their heels and grabbed their bags before leaving the room, not even looking. It was only their second class and they'd already got in trouble.

They made it to the gargoyle (which they'd been given the password to on the previous day) before Lexi spoke.

"Why d'you think she sent us here?" Shouldn't they be going to their heads of houses?

Cedric shrugged, his anger and hers subsiding, "We are the Head students, maybe that's something?"

Together, they knocked on the door to Headmaster Dumbledore's study, office, and bedroom. They heard a faint "come in" and opened the door, preparing for the worst.

"So," started the Headmaster as he finished reading the pink note and looked up at his standing Head Boy and Girl, "You've interrupted Professor Umbridge's class multiple times, you shouted at her, called her a liar, and told her that Lord Voldemort has indeed returned. Am I mistaken?"

"No, professor," the two seventeen-year-olds chorused.

Dumbledore smiled and held out a bowl, "Sherbet lemon?" he offered them.

Cedric and Lexi exchanged puzzled looks before both taking a muggle candy. "Are we in trouble, professor?"

"Quite on the contrary actually," he said, "I commend you on your efforts to spread and defend the truth." That really confused the teenagers. "You see, Professor Umbridge has been sent by the ministry to gain an inside 'spy'—for use of better word—on me and manipulate the way we teach here.

"Minister Fudge is certain I am planning something, perhaps to overthrow him as minister— of course, we know the truth." His eyes twinkled at the two young members of the Order. "It is Professor Umbridge's sole mission to find out information on me and those who should be following myself. She intended to get a rise out of you to be certain it is you who she should be suspicious of.

"I suspect the only reason she has not given you detentions today is because as the Head students, she's willing to give you another chance. It would also give not only yourselves but her a bad reputation as well, putting the Head Boy and Girl in detention on the first day back...?"

Lexi and Cedric nodded respectfully, understanding having dawned on their faces.

"Now, I must warn you to please keep your temper's in check from now onwards, we do not want another outburst. It seems, Miss Potter, that you have inherited your father's hot temper."

The Potter bit her cheek to prevent herself from smiling.

"Can I trust that you'll be exemplar student from here on as I chose you to be?" They both nodded affirmatively. "Perfect. You may go now, unless you should have any questions...?"

Lexi nodded, "Um, sir, why were we sent to you instead of our heads of houses?"

Dumbledore smiled, "I suppose it would have to do with the fact that you're the Head Girl and Boy, but also you're seventh years and perhaps Professor Umbridge thinks I will... 'straighten you out' easier." The three of them smiled. "I would also assume that Professor McGonagall and Sprout are busy teaching their own classes at the moment."

"Of course," Lexi smiled, "Thank you, sir."

"Thank you," repeated Cedric.

Dumbledore nodded and the two seventh-years left the office quickly.

"Was that special treatment?" asked Cedric when they reached the bottom steps of the passage.

"What do you mean?"

Cedric smirked, "I think Dumbledore favours you."

Lexi caught on, "I am a Gryffindor, aren't I?"

Lexi caught on, "I am a Gryffindor, aren't I?"

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that's it for now folks...

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