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Nearly three weeks later at the quidditch final between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw when Alexis was geared up with her beater's bat and broom, and Lee was commentating very unenthusiastically, Lexi noticed Harry and Hermione disappear from the crowd stands with Hagrid. She was a bit confused but didn't worry enough to distract herself from the game, in which Ron wasn't doing too well at saving Ravenclaw from scoring.

Slytherin had started up their awful chant again with Draco Malfoy leading the stands. So, as discreetly as possible, Lexi flew past Draco and windlessly muttered an incantation to remove Draco's voice—she'd undo it later, or maybe a teacher would. Without Draco suddenly leading the Slytherins, they seemed to teeter off the chant, becoming quieter.

"You've got this Ron!" she shouted supportively when hit a Bludger at Gracie Chambers who was closing in on the goalposts, effectively putting her off for the moment.

Something went right for Ron because when Bradley came at him to score some minutes later, Ron caught the Quaffle and Gryffindor went wild! Then he caught Chambers' attempt after that, and he just kept it up. The Gryffindor chasers were able to keep up with him by scoring a couple goals before Ginny caught the snitch around an hour and a half into the game.

"GRYFFINDOR HAVE WON THE QUIDDITCH CUP!!!" screamed Lee when the whistle was blow and Ginny was flying around with the snitch in her fist triumphantly. Ron looked like he was about to faint. Angelina flew at Alexis who she was closest to and they wrapped their arms around each other with such excitement that they both nearly toppled off their brooms. Ginny and Jack both flew to Ron while Alicia and Katie joined Ange and Lexi before they all met in the middle.

"YOU DID IT RON!" Lexi had to yell over the noise the crowd was making below them.

"WE DID IT!" he grinned back, pumping a fish into the air.

As the Gryffindor team came down to the ground, they were met with the rest of their house and Madam Hooch who handed the cup to Angelina as captain but she passed it straight to Ron as Andrew Kirke and Jack hoisted him onto their shoulders above the sea of people.

The Ravenclaw team met them in the middle of the crowd and both teams shook hands with each other in good sportsmanship. The crowd was pushing and pulling them all out of the stadium and Alexis let herself get caught up in the euphoria, arm slung around Angelina's neck as they shouted a new chant with their friends which caught onto the whole crowd.

"Weasley is our King,

Weasley is our King,

He didn't let the Quaffle in,

Weasley is —!"

"WO—AH!" Two strong arms had wrapped themselves around Lexi's middle and spun her out of Angelina's grasp into her boyfriend's. "Hi!" she giggled into his mouth as he kissed her.

"Congratulations," he said, pulling back to grin at her, using one hand to push the hair hanging in front of her face behind her ear then cradling the side of her face.

"Thank you, captain," she replied looking up at him in her quidditch robes with marks of black war-paint on her cheeks. "Tell me, do I get a prize?"

Cedric chuckled and kissed her forehead, "Certainly, but I think there's a party being held in yours and the team's honour."

"You coming?"


Lexi was swept up by Lee next who was running out of the stand (having to get down all the steps up to the high stands first) and crashing into her so hard that they collapsed into the grass, taking a few stragglers down with them.

"WE WON!" shrieked Lee.

"WE WON!!!" Lexi matched his excitement and they both laughed together on the ground.

"Wait till Fred and George hear about this."

"They're gonna be so proud."

Yes, I know the chapters got shorter again, don't remind me

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Yes, I know the chapters got shorter again, don't remind me.

I'm going on holiday for a couple weeks again, so the next update will probably be 12/04/2024 (DD/MM/YY), thanks for your patience :) I'm seeing Louis Tomlinson in another country 🫨

There's not many chapters left until the Half-Blood Prince!

Don't forget to vote and comment <3

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