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"Go on, Lee!" laughed Lexi as her best friend levitated yet another Niffler into Umbridge's office through the open window.

Lee concentrated on his magic but still made a side comment, "This isn't a good look for the Head Girl—becoming an accomplice to my crimes."

"Please," she said, "we all know the old hag deserves it."

When Lee was finished, the two Gryffindors hurried off towards Greenhouse Three for their NEWT Defence Against The Dark Arts exam. Lexi supposes they were lucky that it was still the same examiners from when they took their OWLs two years ago.

"Miss Potter!" greeted Professor Tofty, an old and bald little man. "I've just tested your brother this morning—did very well, it seems Defence Against The Dark Arts runs in the family."

Alexis gave her most charming smile, "It's good to see you again, Professor Tofty. Yes, I'm very proud of how Harry's doing with his coursework."

"As you should be," he replied. "Oh, and my belated congratulations! I saw you achieved all twelve 'Outstandings' in your OWLs, what an accomplishment!"

Giving a light self-deprecating laugh, "Thank you."

Professor Tofty shuffled some papers in front of him on the small desk, "Now, let's see if we can get you those NEWTs too."

A while later, Lexi walked out with a self-satisfied air beside Adrian Pucey who looked a little down (as he should considering the explosion he created midway through the exam) and Amber Reidan who looked as happy as Lexi felt.

"I can't believe you summoned a Patronus in there!" Amber gushed further down the hall, hanging off Lexi's arm.

"I was asked to!"

"You made me look bad," pouted Amber.

Lexi feigned offence, putting a hand over her chest, "I saw you with Professor Marchbanks, you did perfectly excellent! They were most impressed with you."

"Stop, you'll make me blush."

"I'm a taken woman, Amber."

"I'll be sure to remember that. Speaking of..."

Amber trailed off as Cedric rounded the corner of the hallway they were in looking as relieved as he had when Lexi agreed to drop the "friends" title. He made his way towards the two girls and took Lexi's hand in his, "How'd you do?"

"Only as perfectly perfect as perfectly possible," Amber answered for the Gryffindor, then she looked up at Cedric, "she got extra points for casting her Patronus. She also go the exact same professor as Harry did this morning who was also asked to summon his Patronus for the same reason."

"Really?" Cedric looked from Amber to Lexi with surprise, "And you did it?"

Lexi nodded at him and swung their hands, turning her boyfriend around so they could all continue walking. "Of course, I did! I need perfect scores if I'm supposed to be accepted into the Ministry—they don't like me, y'know."

"They'd be fools not to take you," Cedric kissed the top of her head. "And you, Amber? Do well?"

"As well as I could've done when I had Miss 'Getting-Extra-Points-That-Aren't-Offered-To-The-Rest-Of-Us', I suppose." There was a joking humour in her tone that showed she wasn't really upset just taking the mickey.

The three friends laughed along their way into the warmth of the sun.

Y'know, this gray banner above the words you're reading was a screenshot I took back in 2021 🤯 Crazy

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Y'know, this gray banner above the words you're reading was a screenshot I took back in 2021 🤯 Crazy. I'll see you guys next week (hopefully)!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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