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Questions started coming in all at once, "Where's Harry?" "Is he alright?" "What happened?" "Dung didn't say much."

Lexi held her hands up for silence and the place quietened, "Harry's fine—Dudley not so much—but I'm sure Dung told you, there were Dementors in Little Whinging. I got rid of them—Harry didn't use magic but I doubt the ministry will see that. It's time to move Harry."

The table was silent for a moment before Moody spoke, "Potter's right, it's time to move Harry, if Dementors are coming after him, then it's not safe anymore."

"Are we breaking him out now then?" Tonks asked energetically.

"If we wait any longer, the Dementors could come back," said Sirius firmly.

Kingsley shook his head, "We have to wait for Dumbledore's word."

"Those Dementors could come back at any moment!" Sirius' anger was rising.

"And we'll wait for Dumbl—"

But Kingsley didn't get to finish his sentence as a bright, silver patronus in the shape of a phoenix appeared in the middle of the room.

"Bring Harry to headquarters tonight." It said.

The room was silent for a moment before Lexi spoke up, "Well, that's that. I'll be waiting for you at Privet Drive—find a way for the Dursley's to leave the house."

And she was walking out the front door and apparating again, but this time back to her brother.

"Lexi!" he shouted when she walked into their shared room after returning from where she apparated down the street. "What's going on?!"

"Pack your trunk," she said as she started to gather her things and chuck them into her trunk.

Harry jumped up from his bed, "What? Why?"

"We're leaving, tonight."

"Hold up!" Harry held his hands out for Lexi to stop and she did, "What are you talking about?!"

Lexi sighed, "Dementors, Harry—in Little Whinging! It's not safe here, we need to go."

Harry nodded wearily, "Okay... and how are we gonna do that?"

The sister didn't face him as she replied, "Look, I can't tell you anything until we're at a safe place, but you'll be picked up tonight by some friends of mine who will take you to where I'll be waiting."

"Why can't you come with me?" he asked confused.

Lexi finally looked at her brother, "You're underage, Harry, that means if you apparate the ministry will be able to know where you apparate to —"

"Why does that matter?" he interrupted.

"Because, generally, it's the ministry who sends the Dementors in the first place."

"How will I get to wherever you are then?"

"You'll be flying, little brother."

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