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"You fetched for me?" Lexi asked her brother and Ron as she and Hermione came down form the girls dormitories.

"Sirius wants to speak with you," said Harry before he and his two friends went upstairs to bed.

Lexi walked forward to the fireplace and grinned when she saw Sirius' head, "Sirius!"

"My dear, Lexis," he grinned back, "How are you? You haven't written."

"Well, it's only been the first week of school, I was going to write tomorrow," she assured him. Sirius chuckled. "I've been as well as I can be, I guess. Things are different this year and they're not entirely for the better."

"And how so?" he asked.

"Well, the ministry have given us this horrible woman, Umbridge —"

Sirius nodded, "Harry's said. She did a draft of anti-werewolf legislation two years ago that makes it almost impossible for Remus to get a job."

This only made Lexi hate the woman even more. "Well, I'm sure Harry didn't tell you that he's had detention with her five times this week already—for telling the truth, mind you—but she'd torturing him, Sirius!"

The man in the fire didn't like the sound of this.

"She's making him engrave 'I must not tell lies' into his hand! And the ministry's letting her do it, so Dumbledore can't even do anything! I'm worried about Harry, his temper's shorter than mine," she huffed. "Dumbledore told us she's the minister's spy—which is completely believable as she's literally telling people to spy for her!"

Sirius laughed at her antics, "Harry'll be fine. I hope you're keeping your head down then."

Lexi nodded and just noticed how differently he's talk to her than with Harry...

"Already had that talk from Dumbledore after Cedric and I shouted at her..."

"Did you really?" Sirius laughed.

The Potter nodded proudly, "She didn't give us detention though, Head Boy and Girl and all that... I visited the trophy room the other day, checked on dad's Chaser award and their names on the list of Head students."

Sirius could see the sad smile on her face, "Now, you and Harry are both following in their footsteps and I know they're just so, so proud of you two."

"Thanks, Pad."

She watched as Sirius turned in the fire for a second before smiling back at her, "Moony wants to talk. Love you, stay out of trouble," he winked.

Lexi laughed, "Love you too."

Soon it was Remus I the fireplace instead of Sirius. "Don't bother repeating what you told Sirius, I'll get him to tell me."

The girl laughed again, "That's a way to greet your goddaughter, Moony."

Remus smiled, "Hello, Lex."

"Hello, Remus."

"How're things with you and Cedric? Not making trouble like your parents?"

Lexi smiled and shook her head, "Making trouble, maybe. Letting trouble happen, definitely." At his enquiring look, Lexi elaborated in a small voice, "Cedric and I kind of yelled at Umbridge..."

Remus raised his eyebrows, "Alright, why?"

"She badmouthed you and kept calling us liars and tried to tell people that Voldemort wasn't back and I couldn't sit and listen." She'd said it all very fast.

Remus shook his head, "You don't need to defend me. You also don't need to speak up about what happened, it's best to keep quiet for now, you know that."

"I do... but you didn't hear the things she said —"

"And I don't need to, I'm more worried about her attention being on you. If she decided to keep a close eye on you, she'll be led to the Order, you understand that?"


Remus smiled, "Alright, you better go to bed. Don't forget, I do this because I love you so much."

Lexi grinned, "I love you too, night, Moony."

"Night, Lex."

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