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Alexis Potter was glad to race Fred and George down to the quidditch pitch come Friday night, she'd been eager to get back on her broom. She was a Chaser for the Gryffindor team, like her father had been.

It was painstaking to watch the Keepers try-outs, half of them were well skilled but miserable to be around, the other half were just hopeless. Angelina was observing the Keepers while Lexi, Alicia and Katie took turns scoring against them. It was agreed amongst the girls that Katie would sit back as the reserve Chaser this year so that the Three A's could all play for their final year.

When Lexi wasn't scoring or advising Angelina on the Keepers, she was racing on—or both—of the twins around the pitch. Many students had come out to watch the two try-outs going on (Ravenclaw were at the opposite end of the pitch) and were cheering for their favorite person or friend.

It was times like today that she deeply missed having Oliver Wood on the team. He was experienced, knew what he wanted in his team and how to get it, and with him here they wouldn't even be trying anyone out.

In the end, Ron got the position as the new Keeper, the twins had joked about it but Lexi had hugged him—she could tell how much he'd wanted this.

Once back in the Tower, a raging party started, celebrating the new Gryffindor Quidditch Team and toasting to a new year. A roar of sound went up when the portrait opened to reveal the team's Seeker. Ron went running towards him, beaming all over his face, Lexi watched from afar.

"Harry, I did it, I'm in, I'm Keeper!"

"What? Oh— brilliant!" said Harry, he looked uncomfortable and was avoiding all touch to his right hand when someone passed him a drink.

Lexi moved closer, stopping beside Fred as he pointed to Hermione dozing in a chair.

"Well, she said she was pleased when I told her," said Ron, looking slightly put out.

"Let her sleep," said George hastily. Though he only said it to make sure her attention wasn't on the first-years.

Katie called Ron away and Angelina immediately came up to Harry, not giving Lexi a chance to butt in.

Fred wrapped a gentle arm around his sister from another mister and together they swayed back and forth to the music playing on the old record player. When times were like this, they'd close their eyes and just be in the moment.

When Angelina stopped talking with Harry, she asked Lexi is she wanted a drink with herself and Alicia, Lexi told her she'd be over soon. She smiled at Fred and moved from his embrace to stand with Harry.

"What'd wrong with your hand?" she asked first.

Harry's eyes widened and he fumbled with his sleeve, pulling it lower, "Uh— nothing! It's nothing, really..."

Lexi raised her brows, "If it was nothing, you'd show me. Now show me."

Knowing he wasn't weaselling his way out of this, Harry reluctantly lifted his arms up to shout a bloodied hand. Lexi let out a mini shriek and pulled her brother closer, inspecting his hand.

"Is this what she makes you do in detention?!" demanded the older girl. Harry said nothing. "What does that say —" her eyes widened like Harry's had "—'I must not tell lies'?! That b*tch!"

Harry pulled his hand away and winced, "Lex, it's fine, doesn't hurt."

"Crap excuse, Harry," Lexi folded her arms, looking much like what Harry imagined their mother would, "I can see it on your face!"

"Please, we have it sorted, we use Murtlap Essence."

"I'm going to Dumbledore tomorrow —"

"You can't," groaned Harry, "The ministry is letting her use them, Dumbledore can't do anything."

Lexi let out a frustrated sigh but let it go, making him promise to tell her if it gets worse. After that, she let herself go and did shots of Fire whiskey with her friends for the rest of the night. Sometime during the night, she'd gotten Hermione to snap a photo on her old camera of the 1995-96 quidditch team. Everyone was laughing in the photo... it was perfect.

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