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Harry couldn't lie to Alexis, she was his older sister, and this was something he needed to talk to his family about. "It's just... he was everything Snape said he was..."

"Oh, Harry..." wrapping an arm around her brother's shoulders, Lexi pulled Harry close to her and rested their temples against each other. Here, at the top of the Astronomy Tower, it felt weightless, like they were defying gravity.

"Dad— James. He was a good person. I know that because otherwise mum would've never given him a chance."

"But she hated him!"

Lexi smiled, "Well, yes, but people change. We don't know what could've happened between Snape's memory and their graduation—we do know that they were both head students, so dad had to have done something good because he wasn't a prefect. Moony was the prefect."

Harry's lips upturned in her peripheral vision. "Besides," she carried on, "we've only every heard about mum and dad from their friends, of course they were going to glorify their best friends who died too young. So, seeing them from someone who disliked them is definitely going to cast a harder shadow on their memory. Do you see that?"

A moment of thick silence passed before Harry exhaled, "Yeah, yeah I guess that makes sense. I wish I could talk with Sirius and Remus about it."

"Me too."

Alexis could tell that this was something that was deeply bothering Harry, she hoped her words helped, but she too was a little confused at Harry's recount of Snape's memory.

"Now!" she clapped her hands and got to her feet across from Harry, "Stand up. It's my turn to teach you Occlumency."

"Seriously?" Harry raised a brow.

"Seriously. Get up."


"I can't believe you're really doing this," said Lexi close to tears as she and Lee stood with the twins in their dormitory.

"Best believe it, sis," said George with a grin to rival the Cheshire Cat's in wonderland.

"We'll make the Hogwarts history books yet!" Fred cheered with the same grin to match George's.

Lexi laughed lightly and swiped a thumb under each eye, "It's not going to be the same without our best friends, aye Lee?"

"It's only two months, we don't need them anyway, Lexi." Lee pulled Lexi like he was walking them both out of the room before they all laughed and met in the middle of the room again, pulling each other into a group hug.

"I'm really going to miss you both," said Lexi into Fred's sweater, eyes shut tightly like she could wish this away like it was a birthday candle.

"We'll miss you too," replied the twins together, as one.

"And me—I'll miss you guys," interjected Lee.

Fred laughed and George knocked his shoulder in their hug, "Awww, Lee, of course we'll miss you too!"

Lee pulled out of the hug, George followed. "The one time I express my feelings for you guys and you go and make a joke about it!"

"C'mon, I was being honest!"

"Y'know what? I'm —"


Lexi's eyes looked up and found Fred's, his arms around her waist, and hers around his middle. "Hey," she smiled.

Fred surveyed her softly for a few moments as their friends squabbled in the background. "Stay out of trouble."

"Hypocritical of you to say!" she laughed.

"Head Girl needs to keep that record straight till graduation—I'm looking out for you."

A laugh bubbled out of Lexi and a smile graced Fred's features before she quietened down, "You'll write?"

"Every week."

"You'll take care of yourselves?"

"Of course."

"And —"

Fred's arms squeezed her waist, "We'll be fine. All you have to worry about is making it to graduation. We all know Lee's not going to get passing grades, so you've got to carry the team, alright? I'm expecting you to come home with full O's."

Lexi let out a loud laugh and ducked forward to hug Fred's chest again, his arms automatically tightening around her. "I really wish you were coming back on the boat ride with us."

"I'll be there. I'll always be with you, no matter what."

"I never want you anywhere else."

George and Lee, who'd been watching the two lovingly, ran forward to create another group hug, everyone laughing happily like the moment was infinite. Fred and Lexi had always had a special bond different to anything Lexi had with George, but he was alright with that. George knew that there were somethings he couldn't help Fred with, and that's something Lexi could do, so he was ever grateful for the relationship they had.

Alexis and Fred had a bond that even Cedric didn't understand, but he respected it all the same as George and Harry did.

Alexis and Fred had a bond that even Cedric didn't understand, but he respected it all the same as George and Harry did

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MY BABIES FREDDIE AND LEXI <3333 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 They're so in love with each other (platonically).

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