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Umbridge was no less irritating the next day, in fact, she was keeping an even closer eye on both of the Potter siblings. And it was all because of the night before. The weather was horrible that day too and they had their first quidditch practice after officially reforming. The twins had been debating whether to use one of their own Skiving Snackboxes to get out of flying since they and Lexi had left the tower to get to the pitch.

"— but I bet she'd know what we'd done," Fred said out of the corner of his mouth. "If only I hadn't offered to sell her some Puking Pastilles yesterday —"

"We could try the Fever Fudge," George muttered, "no one's seen that yet —"

"Does it work?" inquired Ron hopefully, as the hammering of rain on the roof intensified and wind howled around the building.

Lexi rolled her eyes (a habit of hers), Ron surely wouldn't fall for this.

"Well, yeah," said Fred, "your temperature'll go right up —"

"— but you get these massive pus-filled boils too," said George, "and we haven't worked out how to get rid of them yet."

"I can't see any boils," said Ron, staring at the twins.

"No, well, you wouldn't," said Fred darkly, "they're not in a place we generally display to the public —"

"— but they make sitting on a broom a right pain in the —"

"All right, everyone, listen up," said Angelina loudly, emerging from the Captain's office. "I know it's not ideal weather, but there's a good chance we'll be playing Slytherin in conditions like this so it's a good idea to work out how we're going to cope with them. Harry, didn't you do something to your glasses to stop the rain fogging them up when we played Hufflepuff in that storm?"

"Hermione did it," said Harry. He pulled out his wand, tapped his glasses and said, "Impervius!"

"I think we all ought to try that," said Angelina. "If we could just keep the rain off our faces it would really help visibility—all together, come on—Impervius! Okay. Let's go."

They all stowed their wands back in the inside pockets of their robes, shouldered their brooms, and followed Angelina out of the changing rooms.

They squelched through the deepening mud to the middle of the pitch; visibility was still very poor even with the Impervius Charm; light was fading fast and curtains of rain were sweeping the grounds.

"All right, on my whistle," shouted Angelina.

It was horrible flying conditions, they could barely see each other, Katie flew into the goalpost and Lexi actually fell off her broom, plummeting forty feet before being caught by the twins.

Angelina kept them at it for nearly an hour before conceding de­feat. Lexi was still dizzy from her fall and Alicia was helping her walk. Fred and George were looking particularly annoyed; both were bandy-legged and winced with every movement.

"I think a few of mine have ruptured," said Fred in a hollow voice.

"Mine haven't," said George, wincing. "They're throbbing like mad... feel bigger if anything..."

"OUCH!" said Harry loudly from his changing room.

Lexi groaned at the loud noise, "What is it?" The others voiced their concern and curiosity too.

Harry emerged from behind his towel; was not wearing his glasses.

"Nothing," he muttered, "I—poked myself in the eye, that's all..."

Lexi was feeling too sick to argue the real reason out of him and settled for Alicia and Katie to help her back up to the tower.

Lexi was feeling too sick to argue the real reason out of him and settled for Alicia and Katie to help her back up to the tower

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