high school memories

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About ten minutes later, he and I were standing in an elevator of a skyscraper.

"Hey, is this really okay? Aren't rooftops usually off-limits?" I asked uneasily. I was surprised when Reilly said the "good spot" was this building near my home that I passed by countless times but never went in. Supposedly it has 80 floors.

"Don't worry, my dad is a shareholder here." Reilly waved the key he got from a manager downstairs. I guess rich people can do what they want.

Soon the elevator reached the top floor. We went through a hallway and were met with a locked door. Reilly used the key to open it, revealing stairs upward.

At the top of the stairs, we naturally arrived at the building's rooftop.


The howling wind rushed past my ears. Standing at the railing, I immediately felt a sense of openness in my chest. Spread before my eyes were endless urban views. Cars on the ground looked like ants crawling slowly in the distance. As far as I could see, the whole city was within view, nothing obscured.

"Look over there, those birds are as high up as us now!" I pointed at a flock of pigeons flying by, a little excited since this was my first time seeing such a sight.

"What do you think, don't you feel much better now?" Reilly smiled knowingly.

"When I'm in a bad mood I often come to places like this. There are many tall buildings near my home I can access." He looked up at the sky, his expression seeming distant, very different from his usual self.

"I have a feeling I was floating midair, looking down at the vast earth, everything so tiny, it's wondrous..."

Is that how it feels? Hearing him speak, I couldn't help but become curious, gripping the railing to look down.

"It's true, it looks so high!" I said excitedly, the first time looking down from such a height, everything felt fresh and new.

"Hey, be careful..." Seeing me leaning over the railing, Reilly panicked and rushed over to grab me. But he accidentally stepped in a puddle on the rooftop, slipping and grabbing my pants instead...

"Ah!" He yanked me to the ground, pulling my pants down to my knees.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." Reilly grimaced as he got up, also falling hard. He quickly apologized.

"Pfft..." But seeing me in just my underwear with bare legs, he couldn't help but want to laugh, puffing his cheeks trying to hold it in.

"You..." I turned red and pulled my pants up, but the button was ripped off, liable to fall any moment.

"What are you laughing about, this is your fault!" I was already so embarrassed, and seeing him like this made me angry.

"I'll buy you a new pair of pants...hahaha" He completely broke down laughing.

"Pink panties too...so cute."

What was so funny about this? It's not like I bought these underwear myself, I'm a student without money for that. Seeing him look at me strangely, I was even more annoyed, though it was admittedly embarrassing for a guy to be seen in pink underwear.

Oh well, I was humiliated again.

Despite these seemingly unpleasant incidents, we still lingered on the rooftop for a long time that day.

After this experience, I felt I had an initial understanding of Reilly, but still saw us as two people from different worlds. In later school life, he continued dating different girls, surrounded by different lackeys. We didn't interact much. But strangely, whenever I encountered problems, he would jump in to help, including once when I was chased and beaten by delinquents on the street.

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