Battle 2

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The minotaur let out a painful cry. The two horns on its head now had gashes, and there were three clear claw marks on the top of its head.

"Spear Arts - Blazing Fury"

At the same time, Vivianne also arrived. She switched to an attacking stance, and her long spear started spinning rapidly. For a moment, there seemed to be a blue dragon coiling around it, drilling towards the minotaur's thigh like a drill bit.

"Absolute Spear - Dragon Sword"

There was a metallic sound of impact and collision. The minotaur's defence was finally broken through, and the spearhead sunk deeply into its thigh muscles, almost piercing through entirely. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to have hit any bones or blood vessels, so the damage was limited. But the pain stimulated the minotaur's ferocity. It swung its axe at the nearest Vivianne.

Vivianne was unprepared in her attacking stance, and didn't have time to dodge. With a sharp scream, she was struck and sent flying. Fortunately, she managed to raise her weapon to block the fatal blow at the last moment. But the long spear shaft couldn't withstand the chop and snapped with a "crack". Vivianne still suffered heavy injuries and crashed heavily to the ground, falling unconscious.

What terrifying power. A single axe blow immediately eliminated one of our fighters. But it had only suffered a few superficial external injuries.

Selene had just recovered from the huge shock. Seeing Vivianne fall, she hurried over and quickly chanted a healing spell, shooting a white light from her palm that enveloped Vivianne.

The healing spell's effect was very obvious. At least the bleeding from Vivianne's wounds started slowing down and eventually stopped completely.

"I've stabilized her injuries with light magic. But my water healing magic isn't excellent, so I can only heal slowly, not quickly recover her."

Selene's voice quivered a little. I looked at the wound on Vivianne's chest that was slowly closing up. I understood what she meant - Vivianne wouldn't be able to keep fighting for now.

The minotaur had eliminated one problem and immediately charged at Brennan who had just landed from the air. Brennan was also too slow to react fully, still having several close brushes with danger.

Just at this critical moment, an arrow wreathed in flame shot towards the minotaur with a sharp whistle, nailing its right eye and exploding.

"Roar!" This arrow truly inflicted the heaviest wound since the start of the fight. Losing half its vision instantly drove the minotaur berserk with pain.

Adrian stood atop a giant boulder in the distance, bow in hand, eyes fixed intently on this side. He had finally arrived, though it felt a little late.

The minotaur covered its injured eye with one hand, while wildly swinging its axe at Brennan in front of it with the other. But Brennan had taken the chance to switch back to his agile state again, temporarily stabilizing the situation. Adrian seized the momentum, immediately nocking nine red-glowing arrows and shooting them in succession at the minotaur's other eye.

"Nine Heaven Arrows"

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!" Like a string of deafening firecrackers, the explosive magic arrows continuously exploded toward the minotaur's head.

Although it had lost an eye, the minotaur wouldn't make the same mistake again, constantly dodging sideways to avoid the sneak attack arrows. But these magic arrows were completely different from normal ones. Even though the minotaur avoided its vitals, the explosions still impacted its head heavily. Each one nearly matched Brennan's light dragon in power.

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