Vol 2/Chapter 30: Reminiscing

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"Feliciana, can you show me your wings?" This Blanche is just like Vivianne, both so interested in my wings.

"Uh, I can't just reveal them casually now, it would expose my identity." I politely declined.

"Feliciana, did you really lose your memory? Do angels even lose their memories?" Hayden asked.

"It's true, I don't remember anything from before."

I'm sorry, I'm not actually sure if angels can lose memories. But I didn't lose mine, I just can't tell them that, so another poor child has been deceived by me.

"Feliciana, what's your Adventurer's Guild point total? If you can make it back, maybe we can party up sometime..." Eleanora shyly took out her own guild card, and I saw she already had several thousand points.

Wow, this is great! Just what I needed.

But when I went to take out my own card, my hand suddenly froze. Because it clearly showed "Rank: 3" in big letters. Showing that would be so embarrassing.

"Ahaha... I think just over 100." I could only vaguely report a number from memory.

"Oh no, with this latest quest it's probably reset. I'll only get more if I can safely return Selene."

"Huh, where's your card?" As expected, not showing the card made her suspicious.

"Lost... lost it last night when the Face Fly were chasing us." I had to reluctantly lie again.

"It's okay, just remember to report it lost and get a replacement." Eleanora didn't doubt me and even helpfully suggested I report it.

I'm so sorry, my conscience hurts. I'll work hard to quickly reach Rank 4 and then show you.

After Alfreed led the others upstairs to rest, it was just me and Adrian guarding downstairs.

"Adrian, don't you need to rest too?"

I'm energetic all day so couldn't sleep now. But Adrian is just an ordinary human. He should be tired after going out earlier.

"It's fine! If I rest, someone else will have to come down to accompany you. They're all the same anyway. And we can catch up like this."

Adrian shook his head. As the leader, Alfreed had to consider everyone. He wouldn't leave a new member alone on guard duty while the others slept.

"How's Vivianne doing?"

As expected, he immediately asked about Vivianne. I had been a little worried too.

"I'm not really sure..."

I briefly explained about her joining an urgent mission after he and Brennan shipped out, and still not returning.

"No word at all up to now?"

Adrian frowned with concern after hearing it.

"Uh, she did say she would be gone a while. Just no idea how long..."

Seeing his expression, I also started feeling uneasy. It had almost been a month with no contact. Could something really happened?

"Hard to say." Adrian scratched his head and explained.

"Sometimes there are long out-of-town jobs. Brennan and I will be gone for at least a month or two this time. Even as mercenaries."

"So she's probably fine for now?" Hearing that, I finally relaxed.

I wish I knew what her mission was. It would help to know.

"Let's see in another month." Adrian said heavily.

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