Vol 3/ Chapter 69: The Law Between 6 and 9

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"We're here," Nicola suddenly said in front. I could immediately feel the water elements in the surroundings increase greatly.

"I didn't expect there to be such a clear stream hidden in the Edenmere jungle. The water looks so clear!"

As soon as Cyra reached the stream's edge, she immediately took off her shoes, lifted her skirt, and stepped into it, beginning to play with the water.

"Be careful, the current is a bit rough, don't get washed away!"

This scene of a beauty playing in the water looked quite pleasing to the eye, and even had the added effect of wings, simply gorgeous beyond compare. But I still stood on the shore and warned.

"Don't worry! Did you forget she can fly? No need to worry!"

Nicola was watching with great interest on the shore. She even reached out and splashed some water on Cyra on purpose.

"Hey hey hey! Even if I can fly, my feathers will be too wet to fly!"

Cyra was caught off guard and got splashed quite a bit. Her two wings on her back flapped wildly as her whole body got half wet, instantly reminding me of a chicken tossed into the water.

"Wife rebelled again! You think I don't how to do it?"

She certainly wasn't willing to take this loss. She immediately screamed as she splashed creek water back.

"Wah, you dare to fight back!"

Nicola also didn't expect her opponent to still have the courage to resist after having so many feathers plucked by her. Too late to dodge, she got splashed all over, and even I got caught in the crossfire next to her.

"You two are adults already, how can you still be so childish!"

I didn't expect things to suddenly turn out this way. I yelled loudly for them to stop, but the response I got was a handful of cold water over my head.

"Wahhhhh! Too much already, tiger no roar, you treat me like a sick cat is it?"

I couldn't care so much anymore either, just splashed back. Of course, that meant I naturally joined the fight.

"...seems like you all forgot why we came here?"

A voice suddenly came from above. The few of us were in the midst of intense battle, only to come to our senses now. Reed had noticed the situation was not good earlier and flown up into the sky first.

"It's all because of my wife! She started it!"

Cyra was quick to tattle, standing in the middle of the creek pointing at Nicola and shouting. Right now, her whole body was completely soaked, especially the feathers on her back, continuously dripping water.

"If you call me wife again, don't blame me for plucking all your feathers out!"

Hearing this, Nicola pretended to charge forward and threaten. Of course, she was still stuck on the shore blocked by the creek water.

I don't think it would make much difference even if she did charge in. After all, her whole body was just as soaked as Cyra's.

My situation wasn't much better either. My upper body was drenched, back equally wet and soggy. My thick feathers were also not sure how long they'd take to dry... Should have hidden my wings first earlier...

"That's right!"

Thinking of this, I suddenly had a flash of inspiration. When my wings were injured, I definitely couldn't hide them away. But now I just got my feathers wet and wasn't injured! So that means I could...

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