Chapter 62 - Leaving Soon?

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"Second place!"

I happily made a V sign with my fingers to indicate the double meaning.

"Doesn't that mean you ranked even higher than me?"

Nicola looked a little upset, but still sincerely congratulated me.

"Congratulations. I only got third place..."

"I already heard about the swordsmanship competition from Aetina. You made a scene!"

Just thinking about it made me want to admonish her for not keeping a low profile! But then I remembered she's always been arrogant like this. Asking her to change probably wouldn't work, so I just asked,

"Are you going to participate in the upcoming events? I remember there's still a comprehensive combat competition after the flying competition..."

"I'm not going!"

To my surprise, Nicola chose to give up.

"For angels, the comprehensive competition just adds some magic to the swordsmanship competition. Since I don't use magic, there's no point in participating in repetitive events."

Well, she had a point. But I could still sense her disappointment over losing the finals.

Getting third place was decent, but it meant truly conceding defeat to the two eight-winged angels winning her. Not even her run-in with Michelle was this humiliating.

Hopefully, Nicola can learn from this experience and rein in her arrogance. She was too conceited before.

"Oh right, I stopped by Reed's place on the way here."

As Nicola was leaving, she suddenly remembered to tell me,

"She's moved to the northern forest now. It's secluded there, perfect for her experiments."

"That's great! Keep at it, you can do it!"

I wasn't sure why she was telling me this. Did she want me to pass it along to Cyra?

"Reed said at this rate, the experiment could be done in a few more days..."

Nicola hesitantly conveyed the news to me.

"So get ready!"

"Done? Get ready?"

I was puzzled as Nicola disappeared out the door. Could she be talking about the hydrogen bomb being completed soon? That would be a big deal! After all, we can't detonate it here in Edenmere. But we also can't just leave it after it's completed, right?

So by telling me this, did Nicola mean it was time to consider leaving Edenmere and taking the hydrogen bomb to the outside world?

Suddenly I felt conflicted. It wasn't that I didn't want to leave, just that it felt like there were still many unfinished things here - Aetina's lessons, Cyra's promotion, and more...

The next day during lunch break,

"Feliciana, I saw a six-winged angel asking about your room in the Throne Hall just now..."

Cyra stood at the edge of the training grounds in Tivi Palace and called out to me. But she was suddenly interrupted by a beam of light shooting down from the sky, scaring her immensely.

"What the hell was that spell?"

"Lost Paradise Shockwave! What do you think? It's a spell I just learned during yesterday's competition."

I proudly answered, very satisfied with my practice over the last few attempts. My casting speed improved again today.

"Awesome! That's the high-level spell you used in the competition, right?"

Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation(1-3VOL)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz