Vol 3/ Chapter 95 - Rescue Operation (Part 3)

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"Where's your vaunted 'Five Light Ten Color' now?!"

Cyra was hopping mad, angrily berating Reed. Oh well, so much for all that boastful talk earlier. And to think she had been bragging non-stop just a while ago.

"I already said I didn't have time to react. Don't forget my rank is the same as yours, even if I had tried to stop her, there's no guarantee I could have killed her!"

Reed shot an extremely displeased glance back at Cyra, narrowing his eyes in a very dangerous way. As she spoke, she held out her palm.

"But I did hear you mention something about a nuclear bomb... Where's my gas collection ball? Give it back!"


Cyra instantly deflated, mouth agape as she scratched her head, at a loss for how to respond.

"We were being chased by Michelle, so we had no choice but to use the hydrogen bomb..."

Seeing that she was tongue-tied, I had no choice but to help answer. But in the interests of honesty, I had to emphasize - "Cyra" did it.

"That has nothing to do with me!"

"What do you mean it has nothing to do with you!"

Cyra pointed at me and yelled loudly.

"It was you who threw out that oxygen collection sphere, even shouting 'Let's add more fuel to make this storm even fiercer!' right?!"

"Nonsense, I never said anything like that!"

Of course, I had to deny it! Though my heart knew full well that was exactly what I had thought silently - absolutely could not say it aloud!

"Cyra, you ruined in an instant the experimental results that took me half a month of hard work to obtain. While it's true that device wasn't so important to me anymore, still I spent a good few days collecting that gas successfully..."

Reed just silently bowed her head and kept moving the rubble, but her words pronounced the verdict.

"At the very least, one month...no, three months of unpaid lab assistant work, and you'll also need to cooperate with my research!"

"I don't want to! It'll kill me!"

Upon hearing this, Cyra immediately yelled a loud rejection, not even daring to move the rubble anymore as she retreated far away from Reed.

"Be good now, come back here and keep hauling bricks!"

I waved at her, gently persuading her,

"How could it possibly kill you? Don't you remember how Nicola has been spending the past few months, utterly carefree! She's even volunteered for overtime!"

"Feliciana, you wasted my oxygen collection device. While it wasn't anything too important to me anymore, still I spent a good few days collecting that gas..."

Reed didn't seem swayed by my series of actions at all, instead uncompromisingly and mercilessly - mercilessly - declaring my sentence.

"You just work unpaid for me for one week!"

"What, how can that be?!"

The only thing I could do was wail dejectedly.

"Haha, you deserve it, you blundering fool!"

Cyra gloated on the side, but then we heard Nicola yell loudly.

"Stop chitchatting! Have you all forgotten where we are?!"

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