Vol 3/Chapter 15: The Power of the Top Student

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"You've gone too far!"

Seeing Cyra pretending to be coy in front of me, I just wanted to tear her mouth apart.

"If you have a problem with it, I'll just cut my hair short when I get back, the same length as Reed's. Then you'll have nothing to say, right?"

Although I had initially felt my hair was too long and cut it a bit shorter, I still couldn't bear to cut too much. Nicola probably felt the same way. But now it has become a reason to be mocked.

"Feliciana, don't take Cyra's words to heart. She's always been like this with her words!"

Hearing I wanted to cut my hair, Nicola quickly dissuaded me.

"Besides, Norma also said angel hair takes thousands of years to grow back, so it needs to be treated carefully. If you make one wrong cut with the scissors, it would take at least thousands of years to grow back."

"Did Norma say that?"

I looked at Cyra doubtfully to confirm if this was true. Although I did feel like my hair hadn't grown much in the past month, it would still be prudent to double-check.

"It's true, I swear!"

Seeing my reaction, Cyra immediately raised her hand and said solemnly.

"Otherwise I would have cut this long hair off already. It's so inconvenient. Unfortunately, there are no reliable hairstylists in Edimere. I wish I could have it the same length as you guys..."

"Have Nicola help you cut it. She cut my hair and it turned out alright."

Since I felt it was just a matter of cutting long hair shorter without any styling, there was no need for a professional hairstylist. Cyra was probably just reluctant to part with her long hair til now.

"You guys should go chat outside if you have nothing to do. Don't stand here."

Just then, Reed suddenly spoke up, clearly unhappy that we were disturbing her reading.

"What kind of books are you reading so attentively?"

Seeing Reed completely engrossed, Nicola walked over and casually picked up one of the books to take a look.

"'Introduction to Magic Studies'..."

I also took a peek from next to her. It reminded me of the various science courses I had taken in university.

"What's that other book you have there?"

Nicola still wouldn't give up, hoping to find a more normal book.

"'Analysis of Auxiliary Circuits in Magic Arrays'"

Reed briefly showed us the cover before turning her back again, no longer wanting to entertain us.

"It's up to you now, Feliciana. I was an art major in university."

Nicola patted me on the shoulder and left the room without another word.

"Hey! Even though I was a science major, magic stuff is still completely different, okay?"

I said incredulously as I saw Cyra also shrug and exit the room, suddenly feeling all alone.

"Um... Reed..."

I stuttered a few words but got no reaction at all from the other party. My forehead started sweating a little.

"Today is a rare chance for us four survivors to get together here. Want to join us for a meal?"

I gathered my courage and asked the question I had originally come here for. Although I was quite certain earlier that Reed would agree to the dinner gathering, seeing her reaction now, I broke into a cold sweat.

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